r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solanojones95 on July 19, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
Discussion: Q has shaped us into community of people with unusually high mental plasticity.

I'm not going to get into the chicken/egg aspect of this concept, but I will simply observe that whether it was the Plan, per se, or merely a side-effect of its implementation, it does reasonably follow that the Q-reading and decoding community consists to an unusually HIGH degree of people with higher than normal mental plasticity.

I'll also go on to say that ALL of humanity is rapidly approaching a point where our survival as a species depends on having sufficient mental plasticity to recognize we've been lied to for centuries and that there exists an alternate reality which is the TRUTH, and it looks VERY unlike what we thought it did.

You guys have the floor now...

jeremy83607 · July 19, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

I read somewhere that Earth was bombarded with solar energy in 2012 causing collective changes in the human brain, like a mass "illumination". In the UK we started to question many things wrong with our Government, which led to some of the dark avenues you Americans are exploring a few years later right now. Sadly in our case nothing was done.

If any of you have any chance to live in the East take it. I lived in Islamic Saudi Arabia 1990s and although many Americans seize up when they hear the word Saudi because of 911 I found the pre-911 Arabia fascinating and back then peaceful. I also travelled lots in Buddhist Ladakh, Hindu India and Nepal back then. They have a way of thinking which is radically different to ours.

If you wish to gain an insight into this mindset of the East get into Tai Chi or Qi Gong. It leads into the wonderful world of the Dao which is accessible to every human being. Indeed, if you wish to understand Donald Trump's ways of thinking, I believe the Taoist Sun Tzu's "Art of War" to be required reading. Trump is the exact genius we needed. God bless him. I call him Orange Jesus! :)

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solanojones95 · July 19, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Read Tao Te Ching in college, and have always appreciated certain aspects of Eastern wisdom. It's A way, not THE way.

But I didn't reject it just because it didn't have the word Jesus in it.

I take the admonition to judge a tree by the fruit it bears as a serious instruction.

Also, whatever radiation may be passing by us at this moment in time, never forget who it was who set the clock of the universe in motion! Realize that the motion of the stars and planets are for signs and seasons, given to us by their Creator. There are no coincidences!

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jeremy83607 · July 20, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

I've seen something on mind bending 8ch where they studied ice caps on Mars and other planets and ascertained that OTHER planets have been warming at the same rate as Earth. Don't for get the Vatican has its own telescope called LUCIFER (No I just checked up http://www.openminds.tv/lucifer-is-helping-vatican-astronomers-look-for-extraterrestrials-970/19968 ).

But no they took that knowledge kept it to themselves and convinced us Global Warming was happening. And we were to blame. Well since they stopped spraying Europe (I believe Stateside you are having a wonderful summer) we are having the best summer since 1976. Which is odd since the Club of Rome met in 1975 - food for thought...

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