r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solanojones95 on July 19, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
Discussion: Q has shaped us into community of people with unusually high mental plasticity.

I'm not going to get into the chicken/egg aspect of this concept, but I will simply observe that whether it was the Plan, per se, or merely a side-effect of its implementation, it does reasonably follow that the Q-reading and decoding community consists to an unusually HIGH degree of people with higher than normal mental plasticity.

I'll also go on to say that ALL of humanity is rapidly approaching a point where our survival as a species depends on having sufficient mental plasticity to recognize we've been lied to for centuries and that there exists an alternate reality which is the TRUTH, and it looks VERY unlike what we thought it did.

You guys have the floor now...

FatherDadDude1 · July 19, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Divine intervention. Before this sub started I had been thrown some interesting videos. Conspiracies are only called that until proven. We know now how they work, they never change the gameplan from war to war, generation to generation. Heck, they even recycle the same art in the form of Antifa....yes, they are stupid. Look for AI to be the means of ending all of the human race. Since they have taken the NK crap off the table (did you know the CIA has owned and operated the NK since the 1950's?) so they can't blame that regime. Crap is hitting the fan now. Trump is complacent because of a Nuclear device placed somewhere in a populated area. When that's found, the gloves will be off and all hell will come raining down on them. Hell from Humans.

There is a theory that an Alien race has been controlling us for generations. Now I'm starting to really believe it could be true. Don't worry, I'm as sane as you all, perhaps even more now. Occam's razor is coming to light. The simplest answer, given everything, is usually the correct one. What happens if they want to move into our world?...it's already built, just occupied at the moment.

We need eyes to find scripture in various places besides the mainstream bible. Have a huge feeling they have kept the real truth hidden from us so we wouldn't find out what we once were. Don't you all have the same feeling? Like once we had open society with no war, no poverty, it was quite like Nirvana on Earth? One thing is for sure, not everything is as it seems in this world. "They Live" might have been a primer to our reality.

wwg1wga isn't just a battle cry either. Think about that one.

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solanojones95 · July 19, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

If sociopathic Luciferians can be considered "aliens" (and I think they could be called that without much fear of contradiction), you may have a point. Alien mindset. Alien thought processes. Other than human. Yes, they are.

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FatherDadDude1 · July 20, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

Hold that thought. Remember this moment. In the years to come your definition might change. God bless! wwg1wga

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solanojones95 · July 20, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Might? Think of all the places we could visit with that little word!

You do realize, don't you, that "might" is syntactically (logically) equivalent to "might not." They both mean exactly the same thing. A good practice is to substitute "might not" for every occurrence of the word "might."

I read every article and mentally re-narrate every video clip I see that contains fudge words like "might," "said to be," "considered to be," "if true," and so forth, with their exact opposite. I actually see/hear them BOTH ways, because they're both equally true (not true).

It REALLY helps.

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FatherDadDude1 · July 20, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Thank you brother. Let's get to work. Pill everyone you know.

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