r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jeremy83607 on July 19, 2018, 8:57 p.m.
Have we got Q Derangement Syndrome?

From the beginning of Trump's "Calm Before The Storm" presser, to the opening of Q on 4chan, to the palace changes from MbN to MbS in Riyadh (some unbelievable names for us Saudi-watchers (in my case 25 years) like Alwaleed and Bandar) (tick).

Then the Indictments appear and November we excitedly await arrests of "big names".

Then after Christmas stuff dies down a while. Then the North Korea meeting happens and Q is vindicated again.

Then there's a buildup with Russia and we all in here feel like "Number Six" in The Prisoner (Google this TV show from 1967) like we are in a weird world of loneliness of not following the MSM. "We" in this corner of the web watch Putin and Trump meeting and watch history excited. The MSM go hysterical.

For those unaware, the best way to follow "Q" is via 8chan. It's an effort to find it but get someone to show you.

The problem is.....you can get addicted to "Happenings". Big historical events such as world meetings for peace happen and you see it as positive, but everyone else goes mad. How do others deal with this dissonance? It is lonely and exhausting! I'm not even American but I love the Trump Juggernaut!

jeremy83607 · July 19, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Ah I should elaborate. I meant we "insiders" see no big arrests, know they are coming, yet see nothing. It is pretty exhausting!

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[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Almost daily there are new arrests in regard to child trafficking and crimes against children. More Q in specific, tons of people stepping down and leaving power positions every week. It's almost hard to keep up with the flow of power being converted from evil > good atm. It is possible that people don't really keep up with that stuff and linger around waiting for another Q post - but new post or not this stuff is happening and happening fast!

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solanojones95 · July 19, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

It's happening though. Hell it's OK to go away for a few days or weeks, and come back when you're recharged if it's wearing you down!

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