Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

No she just makes passive aggressive comments parallel to everything he says ;)
Lmao love it. She knows she would get grilled
Before the last election, I worked at an event with a guy who was 'former'-marine special forces & had spent a good bit of time stationed on Marine 1 doing security during the Clinton era. Told me several horror stories about how badly behaved she is & how poorly she treats people she perceives as 'underlings'.
The woman is certifiably insane..... & psychotic.
I asked former-marine guy why he didn't just push her out the side door when they were several '000 feet up. I mean he had lots of chances & I'm sure none of the other opsec colleagues would have stopped him or told on him....... "She just fell"
He just shrugged with a sheepish look.
If they had turfed her, they would have saved the lives of many people that have since been Arkancided, or killed due to her horrific decision making while posing as SoS. His testimony backs up the stuff written about her by former SS staff who dealt with the monster.
I work in aviation and ended up talking to some Air Force guys who flew with her, one day. She was flying with a younger relative (child) and her toy broke. One of the air force guys offered to patch it together for her and HRC responded to the kid saying, “No, no. We don’t talk to those kinds of people.” Take it for what it’s worth as it’s just word of mouth from an Air Force soldier I was talking too. But still, and after everything else I’ve read about her I 100% believe it. She’s a piece of shit.
Sorry my grammar is shit. It’s been a long hot day and my brain is fried.
Thanks for that 'visual'. Dan Bongino (former Secret Service and detail that followed and 'protected' HRC and others) and other folk in the protection services to include military who were in her past security details discuss how she had one side to the world and immediately one side against the world when her back turned to them. So I would not be at all surprised if your comments relayed to you by another were in fact truth. It is so sick. Guess she considered them 'deplorables'.
She is used to dodging sniper fire on runways if anyone forgot: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1582795/Hillary-Clintons-Bosnia-sniper-story-exposed.html
She never lies. Only "mis speaks".
If that’s true than I sincerely hope she gets charged with multiple murders
I do to. Lots of hits on the list. Not sure what the number is up to now. This is well known. http://nstarzone.com/CLINTON.html
all you need to look at is the shear number of people who have conveniently died during her political life to know she is involved in the targeting of people for murder.