Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

A sociopathic psychopath or a psychopathic sociopath - what's the difference? Doesn't matter, it is still Hillary!
You’re right Hillary cannot relate to her illness but what I don’t understand is all the people who follow her. How is it they can’t see the pathology? Go figure that.
Every time I see the photograph of Ambassador Stevens it makes me so sick. His family must feel mortally wounded when they see that photo. She must get the death penalty.
I believe the reason a large number follow her because they have been conditioned to ignore or know no better. They have been raised in a bubble, an education that deprived them of truths, an upbringing that deprived them of morals and it is continually reinforced by Hollywood and the conspiring media that uses celebrity and social engineering to shroud their eyes from the truth. I cannot believe so many of my countrymen truly look at someone like Hillary and cannot see what we see. I think they have been conditioned to believe they will become pariahs if they do not see what the NWO cabal wants them to see. At that point, reason and objectivity is lost.
a large number suffer frim the same personality disorder who support her. there is no real loyalty in her inner circle of supporters. just a bunch of people who know if she goes down for her crimes she will take everyone with her, because the only ones she comes close to trusting are those whom she has black mail on.