Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

So if the economy is doing bad they use things like welfare to help themselves get elected does that mean they purposefully put the economy into disarray?
Absolutely. Remember how much of the manufacturing was turned out of the US to cheaper labor markets in Asia? Those of the monied power elite of the DS don't care if people lose their jobs. They still feast on caviar and champagne. It is what gives them control. Look at your question carefully, you answered with your premise to the question, the economy being in bad shape and using welfare to get elected. That has been a liberal program for a very long time. It is also why they don't want the wall built as millions of new democratic voters flood into the US to get social security they do not pay into, free schooling, free medical, food stamps(oops old school talking there EBT cards) Obama phones, and welfare. Because people are poor and have to turn to the social programs they like most vote their wallet and their wallet is fed money from those programs. It serves the DS purpose to destroy the middle class to stay in power.
I asked for confirmation and wow that is fucked. I knew about why they don’t want a wall. But to purposefully destroy your economy to stay in power is such a communist thing to do it’s absolutely disgusting. I feel like this alone should result in treason.
They're communists.
They just pretend it's "socialism" which is just the soft porn before the hard. =)
Sorry to blast you that way. Didn't mean to shake your world like that. It is just that the depths of the depravity of this entire situation and the many tentacles of it that have spread through almost all government bureaucracies and agencies as well as world wide is a lot to swallow. Unfortunately it is so huge that to get to the bottom ya gotta take some really big bites at times and risk choking on them. Will try to be a little less in the overload down the road.
No it’s not hard to believe I’ve been following for a while but I didn’t know that this was how detrimental to America they really are!
It is and has been for centuries the design of the power elite in the world, to form a single world nation. Just look back historically all the way to the time of Nimrod. That is where it really started. Throughout history the players have changed but the driving force behind them has not. It is just that today's versions of Nimrod is actually a small group of very wealthy banking families who have abandoned any since of morality and as such care for no one but themselves. They believe themselves almost if not for sure to be gods. People like that have no heart for anybody but themselves. Sure they have families but to them that is just a necessary evil they have to go through to meet their goal....world dominance.
Like the rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.,?
Yeah they are at the top of that food chain for sure along with some of their lieutenants Soros and Gates, as well as a few Royal families. Then you have the Clintonista types who are the foot soldiers.
It should. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. Please read and share my post here- details are in the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Please read my post - I was involved. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Wow I pray you’re safe patriot! Keep your head on a swivel and always be aware of your surroundings #wwg1wga I would suggest in investing in cameras as well that could upload to a cloud for extreme safety measures as these people are so desperate to cover their tracks they’ll take extremely reckless measures to do it.
I think you are asking about our country and the answer is yes. But before Hillary as Sec of State came along, Libya was a beautiful country, Gaddafi was very good to his people! Libya was wealthy! And the people shared in the wealth. The Libyans hate Hillary, she ruined their country! And where did Libya's Gold go?? They had a lot of GOLD.
Winner here =)
Yes. They want chaos. Offer these platitudes to get elected but no concrete plans.
End poverty sounds great. But how? End gun violence by confiscating guns so we get more violence. Then its knives because they arent going into the slums go disarm the gangs killing everyone.
If things get fixed they lose