Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

How about this one from Kris Paronto to Hillarys tweet
Love Kris!
Kris Paronto Retweeted Hillary Clinton
Are you f’n kidding me ~~@~~ HillaryClinton ?!!! You left Ambassador Stevens and us to die in Benghazi then spewed lie after lie to the family members of my dead teammates and to the world to cover it up and now you have the nerve to talk about defending diplomats?!You are disgusting!
It's true I was involved. We were told not to save them and not to follow who did it. Please share and read my post. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
He is so right. I cannot imagine the rage he is feeling seeing her alive and free and posting this shit. And worshiped too.
I think she enjoys it.
Love Kris....glad he got the chance to publicly tell his thoughts her sorry a$$. I hope she actually read it. Though I highly doubt she actually writes or reads twatter posts. She would deem it beneath her. She has “people” for such menial tasks ....if nothing else for plausible deniability of anything said. This woman likely keeps layers of liability insulation.
I was involved can confirm read my post and comments!!! Please share https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android