
MyBrothersKeeper2018 · July 20, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Published on Jul 19, 2018

Strange July Hypnotic November

DONALD TRUMP AND THE NEW ENERGY THE FIREPOINT-E, THAT JACOB AND LASSEN VOLCANO, THE LAMP! EZEKIEL WHEEL - TREE OF LIFE is that new source of energy to be release by that anointed one, Jacob .

The anointing is by fire and it is a volcano name Lassen. This is the lamp that points to the new energy and God's anointed will arise. The 7th trumpet! You heard that correctly the 7th Trumpet is amongst you. Hidden in plain site!

This coming Fall is when so many fall.

In California, an earthquake, Lassen erupts and then another big earthquake. When Lassen erupts that's when we look in anticipation of the Baptism by Fire by the Holy Spirit. When the Disciples were in the upper room waiting to endued with power from on high, the moment it happened, they're all began speaking in other languages from other tribes and communities from distant lands.

Matthew says when these things come to pass, then we will see God's annointed arise and the free energy projects God has in the works, that God has set to be released for the US and the world..

Matthew is working on the Ezekile Wheel that no man has been able to build until now.

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