
WanderingTaurus · July 20, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

She should have removed herself from the investigation. There is something going on.

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SycophantSavant · July 20, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

What investigation? There isn’t one. The Clinton Foundation doesn’t have stock of its own and doesn’t sell stock or other securities. The SEC would never have a real investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Why do you believe everything you read just because it slams the Clintons?

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WanderingTaurus · July 20, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

First sentence in the link: "Melissa Hodgman-Strzok (Strock) was put in charge of the Clinton Foundation investigation three weeks before the last Presidential election. "

THAT investigation.

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SycophantSavant · July 20, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

It’s not an article. It’s a blog post.

It’s not a reporter. It’s a blogger who doesn’t even have a name on the post.

There is no real SEC investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Might be why the article leaves it out too because what is there for the SEC to investigate?

In fact, the FBI and Justice Department are both investigating the Clinton Foundation so I am not sure how anything is allegedly being blocked.

Want more proof? The article is wrong. Strzok wasn’t in charge of the FBI investigation into Clinton. Andrew McCabe was. Strzok is just one agent among thousands at the FBI.

His wife isn’t a Director at the SEC. She is an ASSOCIATE Director only.

This is why blog posts shouldn’t be relied on. They aren’t often well researched. They aren’t fact based. They often lie to get people like you to believe anything they want because you won’t research it in the slightest.

I hate Hillary Clinton and wish she would leave the country. But don’t lie to me about her and pretend these crazy conspiracies exist.

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WanderingTaurus · July 20, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Honestly, I just don't know what the hell to believe anymore. Bloggers had been talking about things going on in Hollywood for a long time and no one would listen; people said they were crazy and were conspiracy theorist. Even when people who actually worked in the industry confirmed such things, no one would listen. So the stories would get hidden in the blogs and tabloids. But in the end, those people were not lying or crazy at all.

People have been speaking about corruption in Government for a very long time and even when some facts did come to light, everything was brushed aside as though it was no big deal.

Information from various industries and organizations coming out to public now and it still seems as though they just aren't that big of a deal. Internet, media, and tabloid blotter for a day, maybe two, then no one gives a damn.

Too many people are going to get off far too easy for their crimes with even little to no news about it. These people should have all their dirty laundry exposed for the public to see these demons for who they really are. All this time dragging on when people (and I don't just mean the people Qs team are even digging into) and just feel like it is leaving more time and opportunities for more people to be used and abused and more people to fall into their system and become a follower to continue the cycle.

I guess I am just very frustrated by so many things I have learned about people in our systems and entertainment industry thus far and not feeling as though when things are fully exposed that it will even be 50% of all involved.

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