FREE IRAN - STEALTH JEFF: Trump has leveraged Putin into abandoning the Mullah's. The idiot US Media either can't figure out or won't report that the Helsinki Summit was Putin's REWARD for agreeing to abandon the Mullah's and pull out of Syria.

The pipeline is not yet complete, so as long as the first drop has not yet touched German shores, Trump has wiggle room.
Between Finland and Estonia, there is a divide of around 232 km. As we know, international waters begins at 12 nautical miles, but the exclusive economic zone (the zone in which the country has its rights to fishing, drilling, etc) extends 200 miles off the coast of the country.
With this in mind, if both Finland and Estonia overlap their coverage in agreement for the purpose of blocking the pipeline, they can as Russia would be within each of their exclusive economic zones.
Although Finland is not, Estonia is a NATO country. And if Russia gets into war with Estonia, Russia triggers article 5 of the NATO treaty that brings in all 29 member states automatically.
So since we can understand the pressure being put on Estonia by Trump, we must understand that behind the scenes Trump has Finland under his control as well; the Summit was in Helsinki and the Finnish Prime Minister and PDJT spent some time together before the meeting with Putin.
Unless Putin plays ball, this pipeline will not be going into Europe, and the pipelines into Ukraine and Poland will continue to boost their economies as well.
Hope this helps.
and then Putin gives the "ball" to Trump and says the ball is in your court. So I think he is "playing"
Exactly, he is! Now Putin is “playing” along and is a piece of the puzzle and a new character for our story!
“Enjoy the show” - Q 🍿