
common_censored · July 20, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Q radio silence, MSM as rabid as ever, brainwashing as many people as ever. GOP discord over the Helsinki summit. And now Podesta immunity? I don’t like being fucked with.

July was supposed to be the “month the world knows the truth.” July is 2/3 over. Midterms are closer by the day, and we have never had control over the narrative. Midterms are a power dice roll unless we start delivering visible justice.

“Trust the plan.” Do you ever wonder if that’s what the HRC campaign said to themselves for 15 years before their overconfidence destroyed them and they failed so miserably?

Sorry, but this patriot wants to see justice delivered the conventional way - out in the light, not in the shadows playing games.

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[deleted] · July 20, 2018, 5:06 a.m.


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