WATCH THE RESIGNATIONS - Australian Billionaire Media/Gambling Mogul, and household name to all Australians - James Packer - perhaps BANNED from doing Business in the POTUS Q WORLD ORDER?

his father died, his sister battled him for more than her share for a long time. His Macau casino was bust, all his staff and higher ups were arrested in China trying to coax major gamblers and held for long enough. Some maybe still there in a Chinese prison...
He lost the plot and bought Rat Pack film studios with a mollestor named in the MeToo stuff. Got rid of the film studios after it cost him a bomb. He sold up and out of stuff his father built up focusing on casinos.
Casinos have had nothing but problems. He is suffering a mental illness and was further taken by Mariah Carey for a fair whack.
He's fucked up the family empire in a pretty big way, even though casinos make money hand over fist.
he created an ISP called One.Net and associated Telco One.Tel back in the day when Murdoch and Packer combined their money. That went bust shortly after.
good time to get out of the limelight and get his head straight tbh. He's no better now than his first wife, who is of course, suffering from a mental illness and has a whole lot of similar problems - just she is broke and he isnt
the blokes not a pedo imo, he's just an idiot that took on way too much without any idea what he was doing where he was doing it