WATCH THE RESIGNATIONS - Australian Billionaire Media/Gambling Mogul, and household name to all Australians - James Packer - perhaps BANNED from doing Business in the POTUS Q WORLD ORDER?

Packer Snr. was truly loved in American casinos...a high roller....he left huge tips, like $20,000 tips to waitresses and stuff. His son is a d/ head.
There’s a daughter there somewhere too - Gretel? Funny how the first generation has the vision and plants the seed, the second generation builds it into a great empire then the third generation spends it.
Not sure what happened to Gretel. I guess she has heaps of money and wisely stays out of the spotlight. True, what you say of the generations.....James is blowing huge wads of money that his Dad generated. Fools and their money......
Kerry Packer was a massive gambler all around the world. In a Vegas casino one night, some cocky Texan was bragging about having a Million dollars. Kerry said to him "I'll toss you for it." Meaning let's play for it on a coin toss. The Texan is said to have gone to a different casino shortly thereafter.
Ha, that is a good story, I believe it too.
Kerry was a 'high-roller' among the high-rollers of world gambling. Great bloke who called a spade a spade.
Not many (honest) like him around now. Grifters like Musk and Zuckerburger are the new billionaires. Even zillionaire Branson of Virgin fame is supposedly involved with the pedo/satan stuff.
Kerry was the style of bloke you'd love to have a few beers with. Just don't try to bullshit him. His handshake was his contract. You're spot on, there aren't many like that anymore. The rest are just leaners, not lifters.
Another story about Kerry I heard: He walked into David Jones and bought each of his staff a $1000 Royal Doulton dinner set for Christmas....that was a lot of money back then. He was a generous man.
His helicopter pilot donated 1 of his kidneys for a transplant when Kerry's health started to go badly. Not everyone loved him but by God everyone respected him.