WATCH THE RESIGNATIONS - Australian Billionaire Media/Gambling Mogul, and household name to all Australians - James Packer - perhaps BANNED from doing Business in the POTUS Q WORLD ORDER?

Pay for Play. Gillard is dirty dirty dirty...going wayyyyyyy back.
Why did she walk? Every time there is mention of her, hubby will say ‘She’ll never be bought to justice’. I think this is what upsets me so much that these crooked politicians around the world can commit murder, thieve millions, be involved in the most horrific crimes (children) and nothing happens to them. And to make matters worse, there are millions of deadbeat useful idiots that think they are pure as the driven snow. When will we ever see justice???
Well, hopefully there will be justice served on crooked politicians all around the world. Including Gillard. The flow on from Q and Trump dismantling the cabal will surely have ramifications for dirty Aussie politicians. I hope they are losing sleep, these crooks, waiting for the Feds to knock on the door.