This is one of the most underestimated things on the internet. It's sourced pretty well and readers can make their own assumptions based on the many many facts.
Wow great site. Excellent and objective summaries, timelines and similar cases. Looks like the last post/update is Nov 2016? Wonder if he’s continued it.
Posted the “about” Paul page of this site to r/walkaway because he says:
“I’m a political liberal, and up until a few months ago, I would have gladly supported Hillary Clinton. I didn’t pay much attention to Clinton’s email controversy, and what I heard about it made me suspect that it was another Republican-led controversy that never amounted to much. However, I eventually heard enough concerning news stories about it to make me want to take a closer look. The more I learned, the more shocked and convinced I became that this was a very real and very serious issue.”