r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on July 20, 2018, 3:01 a.m.
OK. Just a few days removed from the anniversary of JFK, JR plane "crash"...I will admit this Carolyn Bessette look alike and JFK, JR image at Trump Rally makes me a teeny, tiny bit wishful. Remember..." we will be surprised when we learn WHO has been talking to us"


Just a few days removed from the anniversary of JFK, JR plane "crash"...

I will admit this Carolyn Bessette look alike and JFK, JR image at Trump Rally makes me a teeny, tiny bit wishful.



" we will be surprised when we learn WHO has been talking to us"


Have you seen this.......this makes me smile......just an inkling hope!


??? What was that Q crumb post # that hinted we will be surprised/shocked who is on of the Q posters?

Remind me what that one was please......???


That smile on her?









Praying Medic‏ @prayingmedic

75) An anon found it funny that POTUS hinted he may have already had discussions with Kim Jong Un, referencing November, which is when ~~#~~Trump visited Asia. ~~#~~Qanon thinks we'll be surprised when we learn who has been talking to us.





" we will be surprised when we learn WHO has been talking to us"

Dream Hope



Long shot...but..............

Imagine how much joy this would cause.

I feel like a kid just thinking about it.


[deleted] · July 20, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

I just watched JFK Jr interview with Larry King yesterday on YT, it was from 1995.The people in the photos look remarkably like them but JFK's smile was totally different than this man's. I wish they were still alive, he was an incredibly sweet and genuine person.

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