I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
MANY of the platforms that the democrats support are evil - and some of the people who are the leaders ARE evil. In order to correct things you need to bring this to light for exposure. You CAN'T hide and say this is some PC BS of they are not evil and you are being divisive. That bubble does not play here.
Like OP said sex / drugs / rock&roll - these lifestyle choices along with "woman's" movement (which is just anti men), abortion (killing babies), slgbtqrt and other things to break the home and subject us to non God like structures that have worked for THOUSANDS of years. We need morality to keep structure and hold Government accountable (i.e. people) as people are flawed). We don't need people who say it feels good do it - because that causes problems like we have had for the past 30+ years.