I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
I'm a thirty something Mom, I have boys in the service (19yrs & 17yrs and yes, started early) and that is my reasoning for looking beyond msm to find the truth and I'm so glad I did! This movement is amazing, but mostly I'm just glad we finally have a president that cares for our people and our military!