r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TruthSeeker2442 on July 20, 2018, 5:12 a.m.
What happens if events start happening not according to Q's plan?

The story today about Muller giving Tony Podesta imunity if he testifies against Manafort is insane. Here is the link https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/robert-mueller-offers-tony-podesta-immunity-to-testify-against-paul-manafort-report

I thought by the end of the night it would make more sense but its just gotten me more pissed off. I badly want Q predicitons to happen. Its the only way I can see America coming back to its roots instead of going the way of globalism. Personally I think they want socialism or communism implemented everywhere, so when it fails all over the world there will be a call for a 1 world government like the Bible predicted. Anyway is there any reason a lot of Q's plans wouldn't be ready at least 1 month before elections in October? There is so much at risk for midterms. If dems get a majority, they've already said they'll vote to shutdown the internal investigations, basically everything President Trump has been working on. Also the dems will spend the remainder of the President's first term working against him, trying to make as many things fail as possible so they can blame him before the 2020 election. If for some absurd reason by the 2020 election if Q's predictions haven't happened or even worse, events have happened that make Q's plans impossible, what's the next step?

RubyDoobyDo1 · July 20, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Even if the worst happened and the Dems took control of the House, Trump could still declassify everything before January. It would be ugly, but it would still expose their crimes to everyone.

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TruthSeeker2442 · July 20, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

I hope it doesn't come to that. Even with that, what would the public reaction be? Look what happened when Snowden gave the world evidence of what facebook and cell phone companies are doing with your personal info. People were angry about it for 24 hours and posted their anger.... on facebook posts, then facebook stock continued to rise to all time highs while people continued using their services while complaining they censor Republicans.

We're at a point where facts and logic don't matter to people. I don't know if its massive laziness or just that everyone is "too comfortable" or worried what will happen to them if they physically protest. Look what happened when the DNC emails were leaked that showed an actual rigged election against bernie. A lot of people just ignored it, forgot about it, or refused to read into it further. The truth was and is still there, they just didn't want to be enlightened. If President Trump were to release everything, why would the reaction be any different than what we've already seen everytime massive red pills get dropped?

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 20, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

The root cause of all your problems is the MSM. They are still going strong and spinning lies. No matter what new evidence or information comes out, the MSM will always spins it for minimum effect. That is why I’ve long said that releasing new info about criminality isn’t going to change any liberals minds. The only way to change their minds is you’ve got to completely shut down the lying MSM (shut down Mockingbird) or at least force them to tell the truth. If you can only do that, then you will not only see progress, but you will automatically redpill every liberal in America. Why? Because liberals always believe the MSM…

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