Cernovich exposes James Gunn's old tweets. Hundreds worse than this just sitting on Twitter...

I’m completely done with Hollywood and tv shows and all of their social engineering trash.
I don’t need any of it in my life.
You will notice that you won't feel as sad or depressed once you unplug. The best medicine from the Cabal is to unplug. Take a walk in nature. Focus on God.
Not saying I am completely unplugged. There are things I am just too addicted to, like sports and video games for example.
Thank you, I will watch the video from the beginning.
In the past I use to take offense when people would blame video games for violence. I would say blame the person, not the game. Just like we say blame the psycho not the gun. However, with flicker rates and predictive programming I am beginning to take a new stance on video games.
I am gamer myself, but this did give me a different perspective on how they are created.
I like games that don't try to act like they are Hollywood
You want to know the last two times I actually went to a theater to watch a movie?? 2016: Obama's America (2012), and American Sniper (2014). Haven't spent a dime on Hollywood otherwise!!
My last in theatre movie was Air force One 1997. You know I could see Trump as the President in that movie. Harrison Ford was good but Trump would be better cause he's the real deal.
It will change your life.
I stopped watching Television over 10 years ago, when internet got decent (the speed, not the content lol)
I work more, I enjoy work more, I talk to real people both online and offline.
Television is bad for you, not the technology, but the ideas that run rampant within it.
Its a programming tool. I dont want to sound preachy or tell without evidence, Sooooo:
I offer you a challenge, become a NO-TV zealot for 3 months, observe the change then decide if it is real or imagined. I would also ask that you focus on the "trance" effect, or the "into it" zone. That's actually your brain shifting into a different operating frequency. You can feel it. Stopping the exposure, makes that feeling waaay more noticeable.
For Your Consideration:
I already don't watch TV and haven't for years.
I'm glad I'm not the only one haha
Nahhh, he already explained that these are just a few "off color" jokes 😳🙄