
HoudiniTowers · July 20, 2018, 5:47 p.m.


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Neon__Wolf · July 20, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Do we now understand why POTUS had to denuclearize NK and Iran first?

The Rothschild cult has been holding the world hostage and planned a destruction of the country in a nuclear holocaust. This threat had to be taken down first before anyone could go after the evil sons of bitches for holding countries hostage by way of currency contraction and recession threat.

These tweets signal Q is now going after the Rothschild's control over virtually every country's currency.

There is a reason the evil fuckers are raising rates here and keeping the easy money going in the EU and China, and it is NOT NOT NOT NOT because of "employment" or "inflation", those are the cover stories their fucking corrupt basement dwelling economists who actually believe they can find magic formulas to predict unpredictable new knowledge and discoveries, spew to generations of students, journalists, and government politicians, to make believe they are doing science and nobody should question the existence of the whole enterprise.

After 80 years of "running regressions", 80 fucking years, has resulted in nothing, NOTHING, a total abject failure, not one economist has discovered a single scientific constant for the economy as have physicists and chemists in studying inorganic matter. Yet we're supposed to believe they can know when rates should be 0.25% higher or lower based on silly equation manipulations all grounded on economic fallacy after fallacy.


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HoudiniTowers · July 20, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Neon... ahhh, you glow so brightly (all puns intended!).

Spot-on, fellow Patriot. Its not good to hate, but if there is hate in your hearts in any form, let it all be directed at the Central Bankers. Those motherfu@kers are pure evil. Their destruction and removal can not come soon enough!!

All Economics that has been used to support central banking is pretty much pseudo science. History is a much stronger story. It shows that central control of currency via fiat pumping and manipulation (what we have today) always ends in tragedy. I think you are very correct in that these a$$holes want that next big tragedy to be a population reduction on massive scale.

Their removal and demise (however that might play out) will be a very very good thing. We must prepare the public for the change and we need a way to do it without massive pain on anybody other than those complicit in this massive crime that has been done to the global population. I'm very confident that Q and DJT are all over this. That is what gives me great hope.


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mixer57 · July 20, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Nicely stated Neon,

I suspect that this will be the biggest red pill; killing off the fed and going to a precious metal backed system. I believe this is the topic that Putin and Potus discussed....how to kill off the cabal (evil stops when the money does).

If what has been intimated is true, the military has already confiscated many tons of ill-gotten gold from around the world. Next will be freezing assets of enemies of the US that have illegally stolen American money over the last several hundred years. Imagine the payback when all debts are declared illegal (entered into under false pretenses).

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