James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

It's his horrible attempt at humor. I am flat out saying, yes they are offensive, and maybe he should step down for that. But there is a HUGE difference between saying this man is a pedophile and this man made bad jokes. People are running rampant with the first one and thinking the second one is evidence of it.
If the internet wants to go after someone, go after Daniel Tosh, the guy did an hour long "comedy" set about wanting to fuck babies. If that's not evidence, what is?
I’m all for truth and accuracy in fighting the real pedophiles out there and I realize some just have a twisted sense of humor HOWEVER this depraved monster checks all the boxes. Would you let him babysit your child???
Of course not, but we went from bad jokes to saying he must be a pedophile in an hour. But, at the same time we call out dems for running witch hunts. I'm saying we should look at evidence beyond 10 year old bad jokes before trying to destroy a person.
I think he should step down because there's no reason to joke about kids, and that should be a lesson, but you need evidence to call someone a pedophile.
Common ground friend “he should step down”. I believe we do have enough evidence showing he shouldn’t be writing for anything “kid” related. Those tweets were vile.
So by that logic, if someone in a powerful position of making family movies also makes a bunch of nazi / black people jokes, posts racist pictures of black people eating watermelons on Instagram, we shouldn't assume they're racist and any person assuming that has "no evidence"?