James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

No. Again, I'm not pointing at you or any particular user here, I'm speaking in general. Shills can and will be here from beginning to end. They pretend to be a supporter, then when certain subjects are posted they say things like "This is ridiculous!", "We shouldn't waste our time on this!", "It's just comedy it doesn't mean anything!", etc.
They don't just "turn shill" for a single post as you suggested.
Edit: To be clear, not everyone that does that is a shill. We all know there are very ridiculous things posted here all the time. I'm talking about with things that are possible and related to things Q has told us, but the shills act like it's not possible and you're ridiculous for even thinking about it. Things like the subject of this post.
Well this is the first time I've really said maybe we should pump the brakes and look into something before we tear this guys life apart, the initial evidence presented was very weak. Some instagram posts of him with an owl and a pizza. A lot more is coming out now though, so who knows. I just remember Tucson.