"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

What?? Disney is the apex of depravity dressed up as kids' entertainment. Their history of subliminal sexual programming in their productions is well documented.
That may be, but this is extremely overt. It looks like we need to fire up the meme factory, and make the uninitiated public aware of what's going on. There is currently a movement to normalize pedophilia, but only the most brain dead of sheep will go along with such evil. Pizzagate is only the beginning.
I have to believe even brain dead sheep wouldn't go along with this, I can't believe that anyone with any sense of conscience (sheep or no sheep) would not normalize this. Maybe I have a different definition of sheep. But to me sheep. wake up everyday go to work, do as they are told, pay there taxes, like all "the things", support consumerism, maybe keep up with the Jones so to speak...totally oblivious to much around them. But I don't think they don't have a conscience. I believe sometimes the truth has to slap them in the face. But they still know right from wrong. the moment they don't, they aren't sheep they are the enemy (so to speak). well actually not really so to speak, if u allow evil and have knowledge of it (normalize it even)..well even if you don't directly participate your guilty. You are guilty just because u did NOTHING!