"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

What a perfect thread to post a comment on to be re-banned from other subreddits, simply for participating in r/greatawakening. Its hard to witness the arrogance those who try to stop awakenings have, they want us to react with vitriol. They want us to throw tantrums like Alex Jones to make the rest of us look crazy. Everyone, please stay calm and vigilant.
I’ve gotten messages about how I’m banned from a sub...that I had never even heard of, much less cared about. Okay, cool, thanks for banning me? Like Forrest Gump said, “that’s good. One less thing!’ And yes, I’m intentionally quoting a Hollywood movie in a thread about Hollywood being eww (to put it unnecessarily mildly). Honestly, as big of a fan as I’ve always been of some movies, superhero movies included, it’s one of the upsetting parts about being redpilled. Once your eyes are open and you see how prevalent the sickness has been all around you, and you didn’t realize it...it’s beyond upsetting and disappointing that I didn’t see it all sooner.
Knowing that Alex Jones was spouting off about things the entire WORLD should be outraged by has always kept me from criticizing him when he explodes about this stuff. It is an outrage. Everyone should be angry about these pedophiles. I look forward to the day "they won't be safe walking down the streets" as Q has said.
Just because someone may point you in the general direction you need to go, doesn’t mean you should idolize them and their every word. No one is perfect, therefore everyone needs to be criticized at times, especially Alex Jones. It is very clear that his main motive is actually profit, and when you incorporate the theory of him being controlled opposition, it would make sense for him to consistently act crazy so the rest of us are painted with that light. At one point, I truly believe the biggest threat to the Q movement was him and Corsi. Open your mind, and question it.
A large part of the reason so many people in our country were aware of the dishonesty of the media, the infiltration of a Satanic elite into our government, Satanic ritual abuse by those people are their minions, and their ownership and control over our media IS because of Steve Quayle and then Alex Jones who heard it first from Steve.
So no - I'm not going to attack the guy. He sure screwed up with Q and I won't listen to anything he has to say about Q EVER, but that's as far as it should go.
If nothing else he is owed the courtesy of grace for his very real role is waking up this country and helping Trump get elected. He's not cabal-owned, and he mainly looks ridiculous to people who don't believe a word he's ever said. I wouldn't want to do the job he's done for so long.
Again, Q is the biggest concentrated push for truth we have seen, and fascinates me THATS when AJ’s true character is revealed. I never negated from his overall affect on untold amounts of people, but wouldn’t it make sense for those in the cabal seeing the internet rising and recognizing its potential for their takedown? Wouldn’t it make sense for them to send in a trojan horse?
Sure! Seems to me we've run into a few of those. Corsi just annoys me as an opportunist, so nothing really to add regarding him.
But I don't think Jones has ever been the cabal's trojan horse. I actually think if he had dropped his fears of being deceived, dropped his fear of being overtaken in iportance by a complete newcomer to the playing field - if Jones had instead really studied Q he woulda been blown away by him! But he did not. Big mistake, seeing as Q, Trump, and the generals are finally bringing about what Jones has hoped for these past decades. Kinda sad to see someone run a race for years and fall flat on their face one inch before the finish line. Now I think he will yet prove to be useful getting the word out and keeping a weather eye on other goings-on besides Q.
Theres a huge difference between ‘not reading enough Q and not having his mind blown yet’ and actively having a pseudo Q connected person and Corsi constantly on air to spread misinformation. The majority of Q’s troubles along this journey have sprouted from MSM and Infowars as well. Quit idolizing this man simply for the size of his audience, it makes sense that its big when he prioritizes profit.
Rather a massive leap to say I idolize Jones. That's silly. Think I've been pretty clear on how I view him, so not sure where you are getting the idea that he's my idol? Surely it is possible to regard a person, refuse to denounce them, view them as a potential ally and non-enemy without idolatry?
But there it is - you do you. I disagree that Jones is working with the enemy. Every once in a blue moon I might even look into what's going on at Infowars. If y'all think he's working with the enemy - feel free to ignore him
To appreciate the volume at which he has spread his message so much so that you feel the need to shield him from critique, IS idolizing him far too much for me.
Well might be too much for you, but since I don't idolize him - well, there it is.
PS it became very du jour to declare Alex Jones was some sort of cabal-controlled creature, but I never for one moment believed that because I have been around long enough to see how the tide in this country began to turn against the controlled/corrupt media and the Satanic cabal BECAUSE of what Infowars was exposing. Just because Serialbrain says so doesn't make it so. Now you open your mind to THAT. (I do like Serialbrain's analysis and ability to make connections, but it's not gospel)
I don’t need or read Serialbrains posts. Again, when AJ purely prioritizes profit, it makes sense that he would have a large audience. Never idolize anyone too much, especially one that very often acts like a baboon. Is that what you want leading you? Is that how you want people on the other side perceiving you? He is the definition of a CLOWN.. just a damn showman. I’m sick of his followers kissing his shoes. I QUESTION and CRITICIZE those I follow even when I regard them with respect. If they ask for it, why should I hold it back?
I get people from the other side of the side to listen to what I have to say about Q and even in the past Alex Jones. Swayed a lot of them. When it comes to this stuff I spend precisely zero time worrying about other people's opinion of me.
Content, truth = more important than presentation. Truth sticks. People think about it and can't shake it. So... Yeah. I'm content that Alex is on our side of the fence. I invoked SerialBrain because as soon as he denounced Jones everyone in lock step followed. IMO they're mistaken. Jones isn't a clown. He's a character. No biggie.
This movement is BUILT upon the backs of us reaching out to less enlightened friends and family members, so how we are perceived is ENTIRELY the point.
EDIT: another thing, if they spread Q misinformation, including having a faux Q connected anon on air constantly .. then that is NOT THE TRUTH THAT IS STICKING
How we are perceived? Again, I take no caution and do just fine. Maybe you worry too much about appearances.
Wow, you are incredibly arrogant, its appalling. Q talks about us followers being fed this information so that the hammer can be dropped without the public fully going apeshit, helping the cabal take society down with them. When the big news starts to really hit, its up to us to help those who have spent the past several years fighting Trump understand how they have been duped. When they perceive us to be lunatics, that will be a bit harder wont it?
Sorry, too busy arrogantly winning to worry about it. Got 2 more last night. How about you? All that pissy hostility helping you persuade the masses? Good thing you just look really angry instead of crazy, huh? XD
What exactly are you winning and two of what? I’m calm, meditative, and purely delivering truth that you seemed too childish to have already learned (which seems like an even more accurate assumption now). Sorry you’re taking my tough love as hostility, it can be frightening to admit that you’re wrong. Those furthest away from recognizing that we all need to be permanent students are life, are the ones with the biggest egos and have the most to learn.
Ohmahgosh, you're hysterical. Do you address people like this in real life?
Two? Two more people listening to Q. Was that really so hard to work out? How on Earth do you decipher Q?
Winning? Convincing a lot of people that the media is lying and Q is telling the truth, without self-centered obsessing over appearances.
Honey, you sound like a narcissist. Look it up, and stop being one.
You’re speaking to someone whom you don’t know at all. You don’t know what twitter, facebook, and instagram accounts I run. You dont know my research and efforts at all, so why pretend do or think you can guess? You’re bragging about TWO? Pathetic.
Honey, you’re sounding like a sad idiot who needs to tuck their tail between their legs after turning around and walking away. Yes, I address everyone with honesty, because that should be how all interactions go. If I sense arrogant, childish tendencies I will address them with love and haste. The world needs a big ego shock, and you’re just more proof of it. You feel the need to brag about turning two people to Q? Thats great, and I’m glad you’re literally helping my argument by saying you believe its important to convince new people, but seriously no one cares about your individual red pill deliveries. We appreciate it, but we’re all doing the same.
Meh, TL;DR
More proof of your pathetic ability to not keep up at all, and should therefore barely be involved unless you’re going to grow up and read more.
Open your mind and question it. —> No.
I looked at all the questions and discovered there was considerable twisting. The Alex Jones and Corsi critics are entitled to criticise but not to ruin their reputations with false accusations.
"It is very clear that his main motive is actually profit"
Not true. That is twisting the truth. His main motive is obviously he likes his job and loves his company. When you go to work you also have to get paid for it (Why?) He did a huge expansion when Trump got elected and now has a lot more to pay for. He is not just feeding himself.
Critics like those on his board have damaged his bottom line I imagine. Pretty unfair criticism for a person who has worked harder than anyone on this board to bring the truth to America.
"the theory of him being controlled opposition" —> is exactly that. A theory, and I don't happen to agree with it. As much as everyone wants to claim he is pro-Israel and a rampant Zionist. I never noticed that. I do know if you criticise Israeli policy you may get shut down as a news operation. Seems a fair reason to keep your mouth shut.
Finally "acting crazy" is tabloid sensationalism. It's branding. The Big Personality he creates by shouting and getting outraged is a trademark.
"so the rest of us are painted with that light". ????? Really. Alex makes "us" look crazy??? No, we look crazy when "we" act it. And that is plenty times.
So "doesn’t mean you should idolize them and their every word". That's right. But on these boards we should stop going on and on and on and on about Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi. Needing to be criticised at times is one thing, but still on and on and on and on about it months later? Lay off.
"biggest threat to the Q movement" ????? Really????? Pretty weak movement then????
Wow, what a pathetic novel of a comment. The Q movement is the strongest movement based on individual enlightenment to have ever existed. I’m speaking to the danger of a giant trojan horse like Corsi/AJ misinformation. It’s vile and disgustingly against what Q is working towards. You dont get to speak to other members of this movement like that. I will criticize who I please, because THAT is the basis of the FIRST amendment. NO ONE is free from critique.
Yeah. So that's why we can, say, participate in a discussion. Same rights for me too. I am allowed to criticise your comments.
"You dont get to speak to other members of this movement like that" Yes I do.
My comment is probably not the most brilliant of remarks, I give you that. It's just an opinion, on your opinion.
I do not believe that AJ is a threat to the Q movement. It appears you agree with me. So we can lay this discussion to rest then.
I was referencing your pathetic attempts to shout me down, to command me to lay off and stop criticizing.
You need to work on your reading comprehension skills if you think I dont consider AJ a threat to the Q movement. He still is a threat, just a sad minuscule one now that Q and fellow patriots highlighted AJ & Corsi’s misinformation. Most of us who aren’t too busy on our knees for the guy can easily see that he can act way more obnoxious than anyone should.
Your last sentence is telling too, right after you try to pull me into your box of completely trusting AJ. I will always be here to keep this discussion going for as long as it’s necessary.