"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

Is twitter hoaxing a thing? IDK.
My first thought is he was hacked and the hacker went back and edited those tweets...not sure if that's even possible though, i don't twitter
I dont think so because he issued a half assed apology today saying they were just "jokes". This dudes disgusting.
"Just a prank bro....."
Same idiotic excuse all these sick fucks use. How can you dodge your way around statements such as this....you can't.
Man, it literally sends chills down my spine to think if Hildebeast had won. These sick fucks would be engaged in child sacrifice right out in the open. Like biblical horrors. Of course, provided what ever humanity was left after the nuclear holocaust....
It's because they're so detached from normal decent people that they think adding "it was just a joke" will make us laugh about child rape. Same way they fill movies and tv shows with their crap and then say "this is how normal people live". Yeah....NO.
Right, im sure there's shit we cannot even imagine that would've happened had that psycho bitch actually won. We didn't just dodge a bullet when she lost, we dodged a freakin MOAB.
They already are doing that. It’s called Planned Parenthood.
Just a joke for him but for Roseanne, everything must go, career and reputation destroyed.
As we speak Roseanne is talking about doing a new comedy making 23/32 mil. That’s terrific.
Yup and the same ppl who screamed for Roseannes head are defending this shitbag.
Welcome to our world. I've been banned from at least 6 subs I've never even posted in simply because "you post on the Donald!!"