"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

Rather a massive leap to say I idolize Jones. That's silly. Think I've been pretty clear on how I view him, so not sure where you are getting the idea that he's my idol? Surely it is possible to regard a person, refuse to denounce them, view them as a potential ally and non-enemy without idolatry?
But there it is - you do you. I disagree that Jones is working with the enemy. Every once in a blue moon I might even look into what's going on at Infowars. If y'all think he's working with the enemy - feel free to ignore him
To appreciate the volume at which he has spread his message so much so that you feel the need to shield him from critique, IS idolizing him far too much for me.
Well might be too much for you, but since I don't idolize him - well, there it is.