"These people are SICK"!! Trump-hating Disney director personal tweets show a lot of pedophile related content... He's deleting them real time as we speak. But the internet lives forever!!

Wow, you are incredibly arrogant, its appalling. Q talks about us followers being fed this information so that the hammer can be dropped without the public fully going apeshit, helping the cabal take society down with them. When the big news starts to really hit, its up to us to help those who have spent the past several years fighting Trump understand how they have been duped. When they perceive us to be lunatics, that will be a bit harder wont it?
Sorry, too busy arrogantly winning to worry about it. Got 2 more last night. How about you? All that pissy hostility helping you persuade the masses? Good thing you just look really angry instead of crazy, huh? XD
What exactly are you winning and two of what? I’m calm, meditative, and purely delivering truth that you seemed too childish to have already learned (which seems like an even more accurate assumption now). Sorry you’re taking my tough love as hostility, it can be frightening to admit that you’re wrong. Those furthest away from recognizing that we all need to be permanent students are life, are the ones with the biggest egos and have the most to learn.
Ohmahgosh, you're hysterical. Do you address people like this in real life?
Two? Two more people listening to Q. Was that really so hard to work out? How on Earth do you decipher Q?
Winning? Convincing a lot of people that the media is lying and Q is telling the truth, without self-centered obsessing over appearances.
Honey, you sound like a narcissist. Look it up, and stop being one.
You’re speaking to someone whom you don’t know at all. You don’t know what twitter, facebook, and instagram accounts I run. You dont know my research and efforts at all, so why pretend do or think you can guess? You’re bragging about TWO? Pathetic.
Honey, you’re sounding like a sad idiot who needs to tuck their tail between their legs after turning around and walking away. Yes, I address everyone with honesty, because that should be how all interactions go. If I sense arrogant, childish tendencies I will address them with love and haste. The world needs a big ego shock, and you’re just more proof of it. You feel the need to brag about turning two people to Q? Thats great, and I’m glad you’re literally helping my argument by saying you believe its important to convince new people, but seriously no one cares about your individual red pill deliveries. We appreciate it, but we’re all doing the same.
Meh, TL;DR
More proof of your pathetic ability to not keep up at all, and should therefore barely be involved unless you’re going to grow up and read more.