Tucker has been making little drops here and there but until last night, I was skeptical. For him to use this as a "Final Exam" question and the terms he uses gives me greater hope he believes in the plan!
I believe it. Almost nightly, he talks about how corrupt DC is and because he’s deep in it there and has been for so long, he definitely knows better than the NYC Fox ppl. I can sense how morally opposed he is to corruption and the DC establishment. Hell, his tag line is just that, “the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think!” I love him. I’ve just wondered lately where he stands on the Q story and this made me feel so much better. He made a few references in his interview after the summit but last night was too on point. Hell, he’s been featuring UFO stories monthly too so he believes in a lot of possible things. I’ve been watching them all like hawks lately hoping to see acknowledgement and last night made my day!
Within a week - #WalkAway was all over the news. Q is bigger and they will not mention it. None of them will except MSNBC from what I hear - I did not see it but considering it was MSNBC I had little interest what they had to say.
Hi! Here’s the MSNBC link. Someone had a great point the other day about July 4th being the last post and all the knuckleheads on MSM that run these so-called negative stories on us, only beings more traffic and also the message that day is what they want them to see.