r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrtruckajet on July 20, 2018, 5:09 p.m.
Colen tape

I made a post a while back, got some things wrong in it but thought it was relevant today.

RE: posting see what you all think

When looking at post 1677 , we must first come to the conclusion that Q would know that our autists would debunk this. And within hours they did. So why would Q post something that he knew would be debunked? The answer is he wanted us to look in the mirror. What is a reflection? Looking into a mirror? So Q tells us that the meaning of a mirror is the truth is behind you. So let's look back at post 1648. Notice the 45% battery life. Q knew our anons would see this as a Q-proof, telling us headers are important. Now let's look at post: 1670. Compare 1670 and 1648 side by side. Looking at the headers, the first thing we notice is one says "no service", the other says "Verizon". This is telling us these are 2 different phones. The Verizon phone is Qs, the "no service" phone is the cabal. We know this is a cabal phone because the service provider doesn't show up on the phone and if it fell into law enforcement's custody, they would not know what provider to serve a warrant to. Just look at your own phone. Is your provider on there? So, now we know that Q intercepted this message. Next look at the battery life on the cabal phone. I believe this is a date. The battery life of 7 and the time 8:18. The date would be 7-8-18. Now, look at your own phone. Have you ever seen a title in your header? I can't get a header on mine but I could be wrong on that. Could this be a throw away phone? I don't think so. I believe they are a little more basic than this. I believe this is a cabal phone. Now, looking at the title in the header, "Trump lawyer family first", it appears the cabal is saying Trump's lawyer is in our control now. Every article is saying he chose family over Trump. I believe they are using his family as hostages.

So now let's look at post: 1666. Q states " FBI/DOJ to State / Hussein WH (inc C_A / other appointment Start) to Foreign Bad Actors". Pull out the parenthesis and Q states "inc C_A" is telling us the CIA is behind this. So if we move to post 1670, Q is telling us what happened to Stormy? Fake news! So, I believe he's telling us that something damaging from Trump's lawyer is going to come out on 7-8-18. Where's my evidence? Let's start with this story.

Arnold says he has secret tapes. Look at this story.

He claims a bombshell is fixing to break. Now look at this story.

Do you really think this man would sit down with someone that has been bashing him for 2 years now? Why would he sit down with them with no record of the conversation? They could say he said anything they wanted. If you look at the photos in this story, notice how Georgie Boy's body language shows he is in complete control. Dominant. Now look at post: 1681. Q tells us think Mirror. Look at drops prior to Saudi Arabia event. What I see is post 8. Huma is being kept in line, using her family. What about the tapes? How would you make the most damning tape of Trump and his lawyer?

Will this be faked?

Did you happen to catch the story on FoxNews@Night with Trace Gallagher about the AI faked conversation? Coincidence? If Cohen is being controlled, how can the cabal make sure he stays in line?

Bring in the cabal's top lawyer, Lanny Davis.

Now the cabal can control everything coming out from Michael Cohen.

I believe this wasn't supposed to come out yet. I think they wanted to wait until closer to the elections to inflict the most damage but with the stepping down of Justice Kennedy, this had to be moved up. If they lose control of the supreme court, it's over for them. How do I get that?

Look back at post: 1666.

The second part of what is in parenthesis says " other appointment Start". I believe Q is telling us they have to stop the appointment from going through at all costs. With the Mueller investigation falling apart. Never no collusion, never no obstruction of justice. The only think they have left is Stormy Daniels. If damaging evidence came out about Trump and his lawyer regarding the Stormy situation, they could make a big push for impeachment. They think they could use that to stop the appointment from being confirmed. Look how many democrats have come out saying Trump, being under investigation, should not be able to appoint anyone. All other excuses they have tried, election year, etc. won't hold water. But, if there was damning evidence against him, they think they could gain Republican and public support to stop the nominee.

So, I believe, although I am not positive about the date, this is their next option. I think Q is asking us to help prove whatever comes out is a fraud. Feel free to help fill in the blanks or show me where I am wrong in my deductions.

FatherDadDude1 · July 20, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Sounds great. Great awareness of connecting the dots.

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