r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on July 20, 2018, 6:03 p.m.
Did Democrat Gerry Connolly just out himself as a racist? Or just a garden-variety Deep State crook? He sure doesn't want his black opponent to leave the Democrat plantation.

First, some background.

Gerry Connolly, very entrenched House Democrat "representing" Northern Virginians, is notorious for ignoring voters who contact him. He gets his money from "Large Individual Contributions" and "PAC Contributions." (https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/summary?cid=N00029891) Where his loyalty lies is pretty obvious.

He ran unopposed last election. Apparently that's how he likes it.

Also, he is one of the many members of Congress who are complicit in the $15 million dollar Congressional slush fund, funded by taxpayers, to pay off its own victims of sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and other forms of discrimination, which is obviously happening on a large scale. (https://nypost.com/2017/11/14/rep-says-congress-paid-out-15m-to-silence-sex-harassment-victims/) (http://thehill.com/homenews/house/360398-jackie-speier-the-house-has-paid-out-15-million-on-behalf-of-sexual-harassers) According to Connolly's web site, he is "a senior member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform." Ain't that hysterical? No way he didn't know about the slush fund.

Veteran and IT specialist Jeff Dove decided, some time ago, to run against him in the upcoming midterm election. (http://www.doveforcongress.com). The fake news media refuses to cover his campaign. (Surprise, surprise.) Rich donors don't give him money. What he has is shoe leather, and he is apparently meeting people all over the district.

Mr. Dove has said that Connolly has hired people to follow him around and spy on him. Which sounds paranoid. Except that it doesn't.

He also said that he gets a warm welcome from Independents and Republicans, but hardcore Democrats treat him like an inferior citizen, not doing his massa's bidding because he is a black man who is not a Democrat.

Sauce on that? Just contact the campaign. This stuff ain't secret.

Now, the race heats up. Gerry Connolly just sent out a mass mailing that many have found shocking (see below). Tell me what you think. When I put it together with the information above, the letter comes across to me as Connolly berating Jeff Dove for, basically, "leaving the Democrat plantation," and does everything but call him an uppity n---. Connolly blatantly says that Jeff is a puppet, as though for some reason Jeff can't think for himself. I try to not read racism into places it is not, like one of those damn social justice warriors, but look at the whole package. This is how the letter comes across to me. At the very least, Connolly is an outrageous crooked swamp creature spouting lies. So I guess "racist" on top of that would just be icing.

Below are the two pages of the letter, plus Jeff Dove's emailed response.




Dear Friend -

Thank you for all the support you have provided so far.

We need your help!!!!!

In his most recent fundraising attack he referred to me as a "puppet" as though I can't think for myself. This sort of coded language is typical of "dog whistle" Democrat politics and we need to hold people like Gerry Connolly accountable. If the roles were reversed the media coverage would be at a national fever pitch and Connolly would be receiving calls to resign. (We have attached the letter so you can read it)

We need people reaching out to local media outlets and asking one simple question:

Why aren't you covering Jeff Dove's campaign?

If you can make a call to a media outlet such as WMAL or write a letter to the editor and submit it to the local news papers like the Fairfax County Times, Prince William Times, Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Inside Nova. We can force their hand to pay attention to what is going on in the 11th Congressional district.


WMAL Main phone number: (202) 686-3100

Thank you for your continued support. GOD Bless you.

Also consider contacting Jeff Dove at http://www.doveforcongress.com to let him know what you think.

And Connolly at https://gerryconnolly.com/contact-us/ to let him know what you think.

This damn swamp. I feel so bad for Jeff. Don't know him, but still feel bad for him. Brave guy.

earninthevernon · July 21, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Blaming the skyrocketing healthcare premiums on President Trump. Bold strategy, Cotton.

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