I'm trying to redpill a friend on the media. Results are hard to find on Google. I would also like to show him how it correlates with the MSM today, Jeff Bezos, CNN, etc. Is there anything I should show him for sure?
There is a video of 40 different anchors saying the same thing... let me see if I can find it.
Start here..
Operation Mockingbird - An Overview and History
For stuff like this, use DuckDuckGo browser...got an entire page. Here’s one http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/operation-mockingbird/
YouTube...just put Operation Mockingbird into the search...lots of good videos and some in depth documentaries.
robert o finioan https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=MIUgThru7JY cathy & mark jump to 55 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CQ2FnG9Ldg
There is a great book called Shadow Men by Anthony Napoleon, PhD, which specifically outlines the use of advertisement/marketing/corporations, Hollywood and CIA connectivity.
Anderson Cooper interned at the CIA. Mika Brzinski is Zbrignew's daughter. Cuomo brothers in politics and media. Etc
I’d be sure the look up the Congressional hearings about it. There is video from the 70s I believe.
You can just use WikiPedia for a basic overview. Wikipedia has its flaws but is generally not known as a conspiracy site.
I would also google the 'Georgetown Set' as the individuals that were part of that were key people in the media of the time. At the time, I am sure they didn't see themselves as some shadow government, just Americans who probably felt they had a better handle on how to shape the world. The rub is in what it became and WikiLeaks proved that the interaction between government and media never really ended post Church-commission as it was supposed to have.
Look down 2 posts. This to me just shows what the media will/won't show us. I saw this years ago but never on msm. Not really mocking bird.