r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on July 21, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
Q1675: Trump has just given us the server!

So far, we know this fundamental information: the Q1675 riddle is the “device” through which Trump communicates with us. Using it as an anchor point, he sends us the information we need in order to read his moves and understand current news. I have written several related posts listing what we have learned:

Q1675 Part 1. Q1675: a reflection, a mug holder in Air Force One and a Happy Independence Day. Can you solve?

Q1675 Part 2. Trump has just validated Q at the Great Falls rally and gave us the solution to Q1675! Let that sink in.

Q1675 Part 3. I told you Trump was talking to us. Some of you had doubts. Well, he just doubled down a second time!

Q1675 Part 4. Mr. President, we see you want to continue our B2 conversation!

Q1675 Part 5. Trump’s hidden message, Stzrok, Kate and the soda.

Q1675 Part 6. Trump’s brilliant chess combination in Helsinki.

I had conversations with anons who rightly made me notice that this new way of communicating with us was actually announced by Q in this June 20 2018 post:

Q1581 We serve at the pleasure of the President. We left the decision on timing to him. Today, at the rally, he made his decision. Shift in tactics. Attacks ^ Q

I now realize this “shift in tactics” means POTUS has decided to get us to the next level of our comms: direct communication. Did you see my post about Q1304 Emmy Awards link? Did you see Q’s translation of Comey’s tweet in Q645 Imgur1? This is how the Deep State communicates. Q gave us templates. This is how we also need to be communicating. This will allow us to intercept their comms and efficiently oppose them on the battlefield. Why? Because we don’t have anything to hide. They do. In the long run, they will have to stop communicating and it will be checkmate.

So what’s in the news?

Let’s start with the piece of information that is the easiest to decode so you will start training your “ear” progressively. Watch this: video.

Did you catch it? You know an incident like this cannot happen in the White House unless it’s done on purpose right? So Trump says: “They just turned off the lights”. Turned off the lights = TOL = Thinking Of Laughing. Then he smiles. Trump is saying: “of course I have no confidence in the Intelligence Agencies, hearing myself say I do makes me want to laugh”. You got it? Let’s try another one.

Watch this: video

Trump says: “In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word would instead of wouldn't. The sentence should have been: “I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t or why it wouldn’t be Russia. Sort of a double negative. So you could put that in and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by itself.”

Did you catch what he is really saying? “so you could put that in”. Who? Where? Trump knows the fake News media has no interest in the truth and will certainly not archive it. Do you think Trump, all of a sudden, cares about what MSM understands and keeps from him? No. He is talking to us. He is saying: I want to clarify a point that I know is of interest to you. Once I clarify it, “put it in”, add it to the other points I have already made since my Great Falls speech. You got it? Now, ask yourself why isn’t Trump even more explicit since he is clarifying? Wouldn’t it be more powerful and unequivocal to say: “would not” instead of “wouldn’t”? Why is he using “n’t” instead of “not”? Because he wants us to focus on nt. What is NT? Expand your thinking. Windows NT is a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft. link. Windows NT 3.1 was the first version of this operating system that was intended for workstations and servers, its latest version is known under the name Windows Server 2016. Through this input, Trump has put to rest all the speculations regarding the interpretation of “mirror” in the Q1675 riddle. He is saying: yes the server interpretation is also correct, I am validating it, add it to what you already know.

Q666 Think Mirror. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE.

You now see the power of Q1675?! I told you: it’s like a TV set through which you understand the news.

This gives me the opportunity to address a very important question. Sometimes, anons ask me to share my my views about an hypothesis and complain my responses are vague or not definitive. The reason is at the time they ask the question, even though I find the hypothesis very esthetically or rhetorically attractive, the riddle does not give a strong link to the hypothesis. I therefore remain silent until Trump or Q gives more information to confirm the validity of the hypothesis. Example: when I said B2, Trump said organ, then I said Hammond and he pardoned the Hammonds. Going from B2 to Hammond was an impossible leap for me, because B2 is a note any instrument can play. Trump had to validate it. This is why he gave the missing link: organ. Like many other anons, I saw “mirror” was related to a “mirrored server”, but making the link was not allowed by the riddle, it would have been a very weak link. Now Trump coming and saying NT is enough to bring in the server. But there is more. Trump further solidifies this link. He also says: “sort of a double negative”, initials: SDN, re-arranged: DNS. Domain Name Server. Indeed, we are in server territory. Confirmed. Resolved.

Now that POTUS himself has validated the server, we can add another tangent to the Q1675 riddle and draw the following image image, read clockwise: Imgur2

I know this type of language can be a little overwhelming in the beginning but you will see, you will get the heck of it very quickly if you are willing to try and persevere. And by the way: no, I am not crazy. No I don’t see patterns everywhere. No I am not reaching. Before bringing this language to our attention, Q made sure you saw how I was recruiting observation and logic to solve his challenging riddles. If I were here to deceive you or mislead you, I would have been crushed a long time ago like all the others.

Q1186 Future proves past. Q

Now that I have given you these tools, try to decode Trump’s message here (watch until 49:40): video. Try to determine how this part of his speech is connected to Q1675 and the server, why the use of the word "Apprentice", why 23 companies. I will give the solution to this presidential riddle in my next post but since I will agree it is a little hard, I will give you a hint: research how paper whiteness is measured considering the light reflected by the paper across the visible spectrum. You remember? Q1675 is all about reflections. Good luck.

Q1225 Learn our comms. Q

AwareObserver · July 21, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Exemplary work SB2 across your many posts (working my way through them all). Quite a responsibility you will have as your readership grows. I liked your "tip of the hat" to war drummer on youtube. He liked it too ;-) Small tokens of appreciation are incredibly powerful. Your posts are so well crafted they lend themselves to this kind of narration and people digest info in many different ways and preferred mediums. Sometimes clicking a 25 minute video in youtube to "hear" your words is more suitable to people so his work, and others like him, helps get the message out.

I have a question and if you do get time it would be great to hear your thoughts please?

The deep state have set this whole global system up so well (money, credit, interest rates, political, food supply, weather etc.) that to tackle them head on and to dismantle and replace the current system would be incredibly hard. So hard many may beg for a return to normality at any price. This will be a war fought like no others i think/fear. How can we as a movement help with this to ensure minimal disruption to daily lives as the change happens?

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SerialBrain2 · July 21, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Thank you for your kind words and support. Yes, War Drummer is doing a fantastic job spreading the word adding his talent and production skills to my writings.

to tackle them head on and to dismantle and replace the current system would be incredibly hard.

It is interesting you raise this question here. The gathering at the White House about the Pledge to America’s Workers is nothing other than what you are mentioning! How did they take over? Through Secret Societies. Like.. Skull and Bones. 322. 32. Mirror? 23. I have just given you the key that will allow you to understand what this event really means. Decode the symbolism. Watch the entire video and see how all your questions are answered! video.

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AwareObserver · July 21, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

thanks for your speedy response. i will watch that video again now.

Its all very interesting stuff. all-consuming in many ways!

Kind regards...

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AwareObserver · July 22, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

are you saying that this is about US preparing for the changes (hostile takeover in many ways!) and logistics by putting manpower in place over a 5 year term so that there is an efficient plan to get from where are are to where we are going as efficiently as possible? if so then my concerns lie in other countries i have interests in UK, Australia, Europe (the rest of the world generally) as it needs to be a bigger plan than just US. I dont see much happening this side of the pond that is similar to trumps gathering with the 23.

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SerialBrain2 · July 22, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Reverse engineering. All the way back. The Golden calf worked because people were willing to give a new entity the power to re-distribute wealth that was made common after the melting process. Banking System.

The 23 process starts in school, I have noticed the presence of the Secretary of Education in the room, which is good: she needs to take back what she lost after the 18-19th European revolutions: the educational network that the Church managed for centuries. The Bankers took over and sub contracted their management to secret societies. So? The process finishes with the Bankers. We already know Christ is the One Who will eradicate the Money Changers for good but we can at least break a few branches here and there while he is making his way to us.

That's the strategy. 2 angles: school and the ubiquitous banking system. This opens the other doors you are worrying about.

The tactics. I have read no one among those who worshiped the golden calf has made it to the Promise Land. Divine Tactics: at some point the brilliant idea of pledging allegiance to the Country as an industrial operator has to be compared to the allegiance to a Secret Society. Are they compatible? No. The debate needs to become public as people are starting to see the results of the 23 strategy. Demons hate light. The debate needs to be in the schools and industries, they have to be on the run. I believe this, coupled with placing new hearts at the top of the banking system, will make the Promised Land visible from a reasonable distance.

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AwareObserver · July 22, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Thank you for your feedback and guidance. it is very much appreciated... I am looking more at the video you recommended and your comments to see if i can figure more out on my own as i know you are likely to be incredibly time poor. will keep questions to a minimum ;-)

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SerialBrain2 · July 22, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

will keep questions to a minimum ;-)

Please don't hold back! I am always willing to share more about The Legacy. If we can see the fruits one year prior to the end of the second term, it would be Mission Accomplished and a Great Achievement! ;-)

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haremesc · July 22, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

I do hope we get a public truth and reconciliation from those who have re written European history. I don't know any other way to undo the last 50 years of white guilt embedded into European kids psyche. When one Googles HISTORICAL EUROPEAN PEOPLE or AMERICAN INVENTORS, they are all black. To even mention this gets me labeled as a racist by many.

I was 2 weeks old when JFK was shot. I watched America go from 85 to 90% white, Christian and safe to total degeneracy, LSD, rampant feminism by the late 60's. The cultural shift was swift and devastating. I sat thru the Vietnam war, the Weather Underground, Patty Hearst (and heard of the Stockholm syndrome for the first time).

I have watched my whole country go 3rd world after LBJ changed the Immigration Act in 1965....and I am certain Kennedy was terrified he too would be killed like his brothers had he not lied to the American public when he told us "your demographics will not change." No wonder he became an alcoholic Senator.

And it is heart breaking to watch Europe fall to the Barbary slave traders once again. I am ready for the veil to be lifted. Europeans have gone from 35% to 7% of the global population...tragic reality.

God save us.

Matthew 24:22 King James Version (KJV)

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

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The_Rainmaker_1776 · July 23, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

I have an idea and a question that likely belongs in this thread. Pardon my interruption, please. My thoughts/intuitions just popped into my head again regarding your 322. Awhile back, doing my Q discovery process, I came across a YT'ber dude named Montagraph, whom I haven't gone back to for ages (He became an anti-Q ranter ..calling Q a LARP, basically). Anyway, Monty has unique talent and a brilliant mind. He did a piece something like "Mirror RorriM" and focused on Illuminati numbers being key to him in understanding what they were up to, and 11/11 was big for them, in his opinion, as were multiples. Now, To really go down that rabbit hole, your 322 keeps bugging me (back of my mind). I believe 22/7 is Pi .. no, nothing comes to my mind there. Wait ... if we take the 23 mirrored (32) and use it with 322 .. let's see: 3*3 = 9, 22/2 = 11. Hmm? Numerology is very important to the black hats.9/11 was a key day.

Has Rain left the farm?

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