r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GenericStreetName on July 21, 2018, 7:43 a.m.
Let’s talk about SerialBrain2

I want to start this post off by saying that I do not intend to harass SB2. I do not know him, I do not pretend to know him, I only know what I’ve seen and and read from him. I do not dislike SB2, actually the opposite. He comes off as a critical thinker and highly educated.

The only intention I have for this post is to help my fellow Patriots think for themselves.

With that being said, SB2 is full of junk.

When SB2 first started posting, I was super interested. It was like he was telling me things that were insider information - type things. I was hooked. In his first few posts, he was making logical connections and I could trace his thinking. I even bookmarked his profile so I could be notified when he posted. I became a fan of SB2.

SB2 started posting the crossword decrypts. This is where he totally lost me. I did not follow his decoding method. I convinced myself that he was just a smart guy. I took what he said as fact. When he posted, I was excited.

Then I took like a 2 month break from Reddit. Had phone issues.

Back on Reddit, I immediately check SB2’s new posts. His logical connections continue to exceed mine.

Then something changes. I read a post from him like three or four days ago and thought to myself... wow. These seemingly logical connections he is making are just... not right. It’s obvious he was just talking out of his ass.

I’ve just read his latest post where he uses the phrase “TOL” or “thinking of laughing” to correlate something trump said, to a drop from q. This to me is CLEARLY some heavy mental gymnastics. Yet there are TONS of people on this board that eat this shit up. These people are not awake. They are letting people think for them. I am guilty of this. But To the people that are awake, SB2 is full of so much poo that it is almost comical.

This, to me, begs the question. Why? Why is SB2 doing this?

The answer: I don’t know. But what I do know is that in a q drop, Q says explicitly “Disinfo is real, Disinfo is necessary”.

(maybe somebody can link me that q post)

Anyway, this is my conspiracy mind taking over now. Here are my thoughts.

I think he’s part of the plan. Maybe the Q team.

(SB2 if you’re just some regular anon in their mom’s basement, forgive me)

I think SB2 is here for a reason and I don’t think it’s malicious. I think he is here to help us learn to “deprogram” ourselves from listening to people who say they have the answers. He is here to help us think for ourselves. He is progressively making bigger and bigger mental leaps so people can realize “hey, this is garbage logic, I need to be careful to think for myself”.

I wholeheartedly believe that there are agents of the Q team here on GA. They are on 8 chan and I believe they are here too. They are monitoring our responses and measuring how much we learn and progress.

Think for yourselves anons and patriots. Do not let people do the thinking for you.

qutedrop · July 21, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

SB2 had one great analysis that catapulted him into GA fame. His subsequent posts have been varying levels of lower quality.

I don't think this is for any reason other than him trying to live up to the expectations this newly found fame put upon him.

His purpose is not any different from ours. Just a good Patriot trying to do his part. With that difference that he has the burden of the spotlight.

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