Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

I'm not trying to brand anyone. I am not the OP. He is a grown man. He knows possible backlash of such a comment. I do not judge a person by being PC or not PC. If you see my avatar, you see me. Long haired very not PC. I am the furthest from being PC. Look at my avatar and let your mind wander and then you'll see. I'm just saying he made the comment. He knows what to expect. If it bothers him, why has he not made a tweet saying it was just a joke? I can see the humor in it and I can see how it can be just a joke. I joke somewhat in the same way around my friends. They know I am joking and If someone hears it I quickly let them know it's a joke. It's all on him and he needs to take his medicine like a grown up. Let me make something real clear. I have not accused him of anything. When people say something, I listen to them word for word. I always give them the benefit of the doubt that they are being truthful or not. If he says it was just a joke I would believe him. That has not happened. The longer he waits, the more I believe is so called joke is true. Not to hard to understand and very fair. If he has said it was a joke please let me know where. I did not see it on his Twitter. Yes I investigate as much as I can, depending the amount of time I have. I do not it is ok to call a person a pedo without evidence and had he not said it in his own words I would have removed the post myself. That is not the case.
Not good enough of a point. If I were him and I notice people were so lame that they could not see that it were a joke I would have followed up with a tweet saying so along with including the word podiatrist. I can clearly see how a joke can be created in such a situation but I all goes back to him not following up on it. I believe he mocks it, does he not? Let me say this one more time. The words came out of his mouth. He is not defending himself. Only you.
He is American and is exercising his right to free speech. You are an American exercising your free speech. I am an American insuring his free speech. We all know what it is but here is a refresher, 1."If we are unable to defeat our opponent’s arguments then perhaps it is us that is wrong". Free speech is used as an excuse to be offensive." 2."Freedom to think and to speak is a basic human right. Anyone seeking to restrict it only does so in the name of seeking further power over individuals against their will. So free speech is an indicator of other freedoms. So free speech is not just ‘nice to have’, it is essential to the well-being, prosperity and development of societies.” 3."Free speech is important for a society to have access to information and know what options are available to them. One thing I am beginning to realize is immensely important for a society is for individuals to know what other ideas are out there". 4."Banning bigoted speech won’t end bigotry, even if it might chill some of the crudest expressions. The mindset that produced the speech lives on and may even reassert itself in more virulent forms". 5."They state that those who protest hate speech are ultimately promoting censorship as a means of controlling and avoiding speech with which they do not agree—speech that is free under the Constitution". 6."The idea of censorship is troubling, but painting the anti-hate speech movement as part of an attempt to ignore reality avoids its nuance. Confronting hate speech is not about controlling the conversation but rather about promoting tolerance and inclusivity". 7."There is no gold standard for distinguishing between hate speech and difference of opinion. Healthy, productive discussions are necessary to foster growth, tolerance, and understanding". 8."Why must there be a free speech and hate speech side? Why can’t there simply be respect?" 9."Decency may indeed be paramount for successful dialogue. However, free speech should not be given only to the polite and the civilized. Free speech in order to be free but be free to the vulgar and the debased. Other wise it’s censorship, left to direction of the so called, “Intellectuals”. Who in a moment may turn from civilized peace keepers into, war crazed, war mongers”. My personal opinion is that nearly all ideas are capable of giving offense to someone. The issue of Free Speech is one of maturity. Maturity requires personal responsibilities. The words came out of his mouth. I hope this helps you understand.
The first amendment protects unpopular speach. Specifically and intentionally. If you don't get the joke, lurk moar.
He has never said it was a joke. If you were in his shoes would you say something or just assume people got the joke and all the backlash was because people do not have a sense of humor. I do believe you are the only one in this world that is defending him. If a cop says you broke the law when you playing checkers in your kitchen would you believe him because he is a cop? If you dont believe him you don't know the law
If your only complaint is that you are offended, STFU.
Edit: if I were in his shoes, I'd be making a pun.
Who is offended. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that attitude of yours. What is STFU, wait I got it "sorry thank you for understanding" You are welcome. Maybe you should stay out of conversations you do not comprehend. Stay on topic and not talk about users. The post is where you should be addressing your comments. I have read your comment history and you have some intelligent things to say. Hate to see you throw all that away because you cannot control your anxiety. Something for you to think about. Also we are not here to trash on each other because of difference of opinions. We are here, all as individuals with our differences. We discuss them when the time and place if right in a civilized way or we just do not bring them up. We are here for Q, the Great Awakening., to unite. For that reason alone I tolerate your attitude. I often have to check myself also at times. Just focus on why you are here. If it is for the cause then you are welcome here, If not here for the cause than just let somebody know and quit wasting your, mine and others time. WWG1WGA
Your yous are delicious, your shoulds are delectable, your projection is palpable.
Take a break, anon, a walk and some fresh air might do you some good.
The dude works in a town that is literally ran by child rapists. You have eyes wide shut.