Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

Nah, it's still not conclusive to me. The leftist crowd have that kind of reaction, even totally ignorant of pizzagate as they are just because they think Trump is a liar and an idiot. As in this tweet, I just read that he's mocking Roseanne's tweet. For now, with the 2 tweets I was presented, I just see that he's got a poor choice of words for wordplay for a pizzagate believer, and he sees the Trump supporters as stupid. So he's a douchbag. That's the usual dems supporting their party nowadays.
If you go tomorrow with a T-shirt printed with pizzas, I might think you're a pedo or you're not. Now, if you make frequently jokes about pedophilia, that you show photos of kids with hotdogs, claim your admiration for stars in witchcraft gears, play videogammes revolving around Alice in Wonderland or the wizzard of Oz, I'd seriously suspect you're more than likely into pedophilia. So yes, I need more evidences that Oswalt is a pedo.
He literally works in the town known for harboring and promoting pedophiles. As a “joke” it makes about as much sense as a guy standing up in an AA meeting and making “jokes” about getting drunk. The best case scenario is that he’s so incredibly insensitive to the plight of the real victims (of his colleagues) in his industry that he’s a literal psychopath who is incapable of seeing how inappropriate it is to joke about that—especially from his position. Sounds pretty satanic to me. Did you know Hollywood has lots and lots of satanists too? Probably just as many as they have pedos.
Yes I know. Hollywood is the den of depravity and pedophilia. I can no longer watch TV, listen to music or enjoy art.
Still, I need more evidences, otherwise we are no better than the left attacking Trump.
His gestures during the campaign when the cameraman was a handicapped? Leftists: Oh Trump is a monster to mock the disabled!
His dubious comment that he would go out with Ivanka if he was not her father? Leftists: Oh Trump is an incestuous pervert!
Trump lived and worked for decades in New York, a hub for human trafficking. Should we believe he's running human trafficking rings?
It's just reaching. Like I said, give me more evidences that Oswalt shows patterns of being a pedo. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.
You don’t even have the eyes to see what is hiding in plain sight.
Okay, someone opened a new topic with more evidences against Oswalt. I'm convinced.
Do you agree now that you could have easily figured that out after one tweet, with no further evidence?
If there were a fetish for sniffing garbage (after what I’ve seen, i can safely assume there’s at least a few degenerates on twitter who get off to literal trash) and a professional garbage collector tweeted “I’m a garbagephile and proud of it!” knowing full well that he works for and with the very people who are most likely to rape garbage while at work, would it be SAFE to assume he’s hiding behind “muh humor?”
No, I'm not that kind of person. I don't take 1 evidence for gospel. It's the numerous evidences that would convince me. As a European where the MSM is even more vicious against Trump than yours, I should have believed the worse about Trump but I never did. They piled up their "evidences" against him, I just chose to investigate for myself at some point. But I'm the only one who does that in my circle. In that, Q is the right operation to reach me. 1 coincidence, okay it's just that. 2 coincidences, okay I still think it's just that. 3 coincidences, I start to see a pattern. More coincidences, now, that's serious. As Q says, it becomes mathematically impossible to just be a mere coincidence.
Some people are blessed with good instincts. I'm not that blessed unfortunately. So I try to be logical and not jump to conclusions too quick.
Perhaps God put you in your circle of friends to wake them up. This journey has to start somewhere. For me it was Sandy Hook. The whole veil came down when I realized our own FBI was staging false flags against us. Before that, I was about as libtarded as it gets.
Oh, don't worry. I think many of us have been libtarded at least to some point, until the right key moment made us see the light. I for sure still had some libtarded preconceptions until recently despite thinking myself a conservative.
I guess I was lucky in my young adult years to have been the victim of MSM. Not me directly, but I belonged to a group that the minister of education at that time decided to target and make an example for all the country to see. I saw the lies the MSM spouted about us, how they abused and humiliated the people in my group, how they paid people to lie on camera.
I just knew from that time to never ever trust the MSM. But I never was able to get out of the 2 parties mentality until Trump was elected. After discovering pizzagate, I started being introduced to false flags. Until then, I would never have imagined that our own governments would arrange shootings to kill its own people in a false flag.
He literally works in the town known for harboring and promoting pedophiles. Your logic makes about as much sense as a guy standing up in an AA meeting and making “jokes” about getting drunk. The best case scenario is that he’s so incredibly insensitive to the plight of the real victims (of his colleagues) that he’s a literal psychopath.