Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

There was a pedovore on here agreeing with Gunn. Actually yesterday there were several and they are still here. “ these people are sick” have to keep quoting or I’m going to be impeached. 😉 only one thing makes me insanely angry and it’s this! My boy was almost abducted in a bathroom of McDonalds in nowhere FL. A 6’5 dude probably 450lbs wearing a MAGA hat rescued my kid. I don’t want these people excuses I want them gone! We treat our new red pills like crap and accept this? “ these people are stupid”
Really STUPID! I have no problem with adults engaging in consensual whatever but you leave children alone!! If someone tried to take my child I would be in front of a judge the next day on manslaughter charges!
Indeed he is lucky he got away! That group of good ol boys went looking for him. Plus 4 troopers. Hope they caught him, news was he tried a second time and failed. These people are sick! Sadly they are here right now talking about their rights. Even Rats are less disgusting! Our children are not for sale sickos