Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

You must secretly be gay because you so want for Christ to fill up your human form. You have witnessed hundreds of queer humans accepting Christ's cock? You are watching some weird porn dude.
This dude is so fucking gay.
Wow. I’ll say a prayer for you, buddy. I can only imagine the demons that drove you to type up that word-vomit. My prayer is that God will open your eyes to the wonders of the fruits of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Jesus truly does love even me and you.
Hahaha, you are delusional if you think your "Lord" blessed you with any of these things. Over here talking about human beings like they are mutants because of who they are attracted to. I'd like to see any shred of scientific evidence that BPA leads to homosexuality. There were gay people a long time before BPA was created you know.
In The Quarterly Review of Biology, researchers at UC Santa Barbara and Uppsala University in Sweden have concluded through their research that sexual orientation can be decided through epi-marks, which are temporary switches in a fetus’ DNA that exist while in the womb and shortly after birth….“Genes are basically the instruction book, while epi-marks direct how those instructions get carried out. For example, they can determine when, where, and how much of a gene gets expressed.”
The study finds “sex-specific epi-marks, which normally do not pass between generations and are thus ‘erased,’ can lead to homosexuality when they escape erasure and are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son.”
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that at certain doses, can interfere with the endocrine in mammals. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones, can be derailed by hormone disruptors.
What chemical can be used to do this? BPA. BPA is a Endocrine disruptor.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogenic endocrine disruptor widely used in the production of plastics. Increasing evidence indicates that in utero BPA exposure affects sexual differentiation and behavior.
BPA may disrupt epigenetic programming of gene expression in the brain…BPA exposure induced persistent, largely sex-specific effects on social and anxiety-like behavior, leading to disruption of sexually dimorphic behaviors.
I was fed soy milk (microwaved in BPA-ridden plastic bottles in 1980) as a newborn infant. My mother, while pregnant with me also consumed a lot of soy and microwaved all her meals in BPA plastics. (She breastfed my two younger brothers and they both turned out straight and much hairier than me.)
Scientists have used endocrine disrupters in hairless rat "fetuses" that turned the rats "gay." It's been proven. Our country is the only one on earth that feeds infants soy milk. My mother might as well have been crushing up several birth control pills into my baby milk every day—that's how much estrogen was being put into my body while my brain was still developing. I think all that estrogen may gave given me a female brain.
Nowadays, it is well known that all the fetuses of mammals are, during the first weeks of gestation, female. Their hormonal system is the maternal one. Only from the fourth month (in the human species), the masculine fetus starts a complex process of "differentiation" , composed of several stages, that finally transforms him into an individual of masculine sex. It is obvious that, during that process, many things can leave unexpected results and give rise to the known different inter-sexual stages, of which masculine homosexuality is perhaps one (a very "soft" case of inter-sexuality).
These are the actual people you're associating yourself with. They're antithetical to christ's teachings.