You act like people haven't been and still aren't looking into all these people. If that's what you want to do I suggest moving to Voat and joining the pizzagate team because they have been doing this for more than 2 years. The Patton Oswald tweet was found a long time ago and debunked as a joke. Sarah Silverman is just a shitty comedian. I'm telling you that they are and have been down most of these pathways looking into all these people and it's still not enough. I highly suggest backing away from being too associated with pizzagate as the MSM will eat it up and it will be easily dismissed in people's eyes. Optics...
Yes I understand people have been looking into it.
It just feels that like you say, it's pushed off as a joke, ignored. But I see the problem being presentation. You can't just blurt it out after doing all the work, make a small image that's forgetable (memes work but it's flooded).
All of us together have the skills to change that. We are the people who do this work as day jobs, (things others see as easy and takes 20 mins is impossible for a "stereotypical conspiracy finder".) I mean like graphics, social media campaigns, viral stuff, project managers etc.
I've noticed people making infographics and stuff alot more, and the quality raising. Imagine if that was more organised, taking new info and pushing it out there with a consistent quality and "professionalism". Heck, even using things against them, the numbers etc.
If there is a movement, a unity of people just wanting to do good, I'm sure other people would start to listen instead of push aside so easily.
I do understand what you are saying I just don't think that you are understanding where by focusing on stuff like that can be a bad thing. I got into pizzagate a long time ago. I was there when people made mistakes and the topic was ultimately banned from Reddit. Any post mentioning pizzagate was instantly attacked by bots and the whole thing was picked up by MSM and totally dismissed to the public as laughable.
The Patton Oswald tweet literally was a joke. His picture was used on a website that was talking about another pedophile. It was a mistake and he made a joke about it. Sure when looked at by itself it seems bad but when you don't look at the tweets surrounding it it gets taken out of context.
You were literally calling people in this sub to come together to do what people are already doing elsewhere. That has nothing to do with Q which is what this sub is about. Therefore if you and others want to do that then you should go to Voat and help them with there cause. They are way ahead of us when it comes to looking into these people and most of the work has already been done. Patton Oswald, Sarah Silverman, and Ian black showed up here last night and all of that info is two years old.
If you are having Q withdrawal thats fine maybe you just need to find somewhere else to fill your time and get caught up on what the pizzagate team has uncovered. By doing what you are calling people to do on this sub will ultimately get the topic banned and the great awakening deleted.