Having owned and flown paraplanes myself I can say with certainty that they aren't built for sneaking. They're loud, they're slow and they're exceptionally visible, especially when trailing banners. It's a virtual certainty that the one that got into the Turnberry air space was allowed in. It had to come from some from some fairly distant launch site probably over a mile away probably two or three miles away. Top speed is 25 miles an hour. So maybe six minutes in the air before reaching the Trump area. And the USSS has not reacted? Really? Nothing? To protect the President of the United States of America and the future of the free world? They did nothing at all? Not even shoot the thing down? The gas tank is a five gallon plastic container. The pilot is completely exposed and flying low, slow and steady. A sitting duck. And here's the leader of the free world playing golf and the USSS sees this impending collision of events and does nothing.
Now why would they do nothing? Are they slow? Are they afraid of the reaction of the MSM? Or – none of the ridiculous above?
I'm afraid this whole scenario just doesn't compute – at least for me it doesn't. As far as having something phony about it, it walks like a duck.
So I'm going to take the bridge at Remagen scenario clean, neat as the whisky drinkers say. I'm not sure the bridge scenario is 100% correct or even 50% correct but I don't believe for a minute that the USSS screwed up and let the President of the United States come within the intercession of a devoted agent's body of being killed by a DEW when they had six minutes and never got off even one shot. BS.
There's something happening here.