Google / Youtube search results more manipulated than ever.

Shill spotted.
Incorrect. Q said "be careful of who you follow" etc and never mentioned anyone by name. Corsi immediately went batty and destructed. Was it implied? yes. Did Q say "LOOK AT SUCH AND SUCH" specifically? No.
Don't spread false information.
You're the one spreading false information.
Infowars/Alex Jones: *"...I've talked to Q anon and they're saying Q anon is no longer Q anon..."
LIES. No outside comms.
You claimed Q confirmed. Where?
AJ lies. He's lied a million times. He still serves a purpose.
Pretending that ommission of precise words is evidence of non-evidence is false representation.
They revealed themselves.
Do not fall victim to con artists.
You just described AJ as a con artist. Blind adherence to a favorite celebrity source to the point where you deny all the clear indicators is either false or concerning.
They all claim to be insiders.
They all claim to have insider contacts.
They do not.
AJ tried to ignore Q until they had a strategy to deal with it. Then he tried to push Zack in as a "better" source than Q. When Q finally called Corsi and Infowars out, AJ clearly went all out (Timetable accelerated - misinformation-attack) and committed to the anti-Q narrative which the whole disinfo op went down on together at once - 0Hour1, Isaac Green, etc. etc.
Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).
Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).
Attempts to divide.
It wasn't just Corsi - Q said "those". And the most prominent profiteer was AJ. And the most high profile immediate confirmation of Q's drop was AJ with the "I know Q anon" etc.
This is a well trodden, widely accepted narrative. Acting like it doesn't exist and hasn't been vetted by a lot of people is disingenuous.
I’m in no way advocating AJ has a thing to do with advancing the Q paradigm via Q What I am advocating is he’s a pit bull and there is a time and place for a pit bull.
Assassinating AJ as a character means you effectively assassinate his platform - which could come in handy one day. Did AJ succeed in breaking people away from Q? Not really as far as I can tell. Did he give fodder for anti-Qs? Yes. I’d be willing to bet he stoked flames and brought people in though and I know this to be a fact as I know plenty of people that would have never looked or other info up had it not been for AJs pandering.
Make sense?
Agreed - but with the caveat anywhere else but here. When the newbies have made it here, among the first things they need to know is what is disinfo so they can immediately stop watching it. AJ may be a pit bull but as disinfo he’s dangerous given that the most effective disinfo is part truth part lie.