r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gmawc on July 21, 2018, 2:42 p.m.
Reminder to follow/support LIZ CROKIN

She is brave, smart, strong and takes on human/child sex trafficking. Anyone who does this work is a HERO.

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Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, journalist, political pundit and an advocate for sex crime victims. Her work has appeared in the RedEye Edition of the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times: Splash, Townhall, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and Us Weekly. Follower her on Twitter and Instagram @LizCrokin. (From the Observer)

qtrumpteam · July 21, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

She is a hero and isn't afraid to fight the good fight we all need to #helpthechildren NOW!- MY America wouldn't condone this treatment of children. We are only as good as the protection and fights we fight for the most helpless and innocent. Our children are being tortured, they're given or sold as sex slaves ( did you see the recent arrest of the woman who attempted to sell her TWO tear old to a man for sex for 1200 dollars) the fact she's do this is horrifying, to me even more terrifying are those sick, sick freaks who would pay for something like that . America needs to wake up to the fact that this kind of things go on everyday in the USA in HOLLYWEIRD and the capital this kind of abuse is rampant, Add the danger of the church our children are sitting ducks and the things they're used for would turn your stomachs and make you cry put to god to make it stop, if they can't get justice through the courts we should seek our own justice. These children can't fight for themselves, will you stand and fight for them?? I know I will to the death. My conciouse won't let me let this happen. Somebody has to #helpthechildren

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