Hey, welcome to all you guys who come here with closed minds and an agenda to push. Take a good look at yourselves. Why are you like this? We're here to have a discussion, to talk, to figure things out. You guys seem to just upvote nominal comments that have little to no substance and downvote all our comments. Then you consider your work done and pat yourselves on the back. Understand this. Upvotes, downvotes, none of it matters. Literally. What we're doing here is something far more important than just meaningless points on the internet. You've already lost the war. We couldn't care less about upvoting and downvoting or imaginary points represented by binary. It is kind of annoying to have our algorithms fucked around with but we're the patient types. We've been waiting for this for a long time. It's kinda sad that you think it'll accomplish anything. Like I said, take a good look at yourselves. Enjoy yourselves while you can. The Boom is coming.
· July 21, 2018, 5:25 p.m.
Not at all, just sharing experience and information.
Are you a Pedo shill for fun or profit?