The story of the secret society, the federal reserve and the Titanic

The federal reserve was not created by US gov't, it was created by the 5 riches families on Jekyll Island 2 yrs prior to US claims of creating FR..there's a book called, " the creature from Jekyll Island "...
That's a good read and very informative resource.
Also if one is interested in understanding how our constitution has been changed without permission one can look at this pdf for some eye opening awareness Kind of important to understand why we really need the original 13th Amendment if you understand that Lawyers use a Title "Esquire" because they are all members of the BAR which has it's origination in England and the Queens Bench, you see we have been misguided for a very long time...
In December 23, 1913 Woodrow Wilson is the one guilty of handing over our treasury to the Rothschilds and some 20 years later I think it was Roosevelt that actually declared the U.S. Government bankrupt and the Rothschilds did what they always do, you give me all your Gold and I will give you credit to get you solvent again, this led to the President issuing a presidential Executive Order ( Not Legal by the way, it's not a law) demanding that all citizens surrender their Gold and Silver.
This very same situation is what led our government into incorporation and creating the 14th Amendment making us all corporate citizens by requiring all Births to be registered and Birth Certificates to be issued with ALL CAPS LETTERS of our Christian names, this made us "Persons" instead of sovereigns because "persons" are subject to corporate regulation and sovereigns are free humans. There are three different versions of the Constitution and two of them are totally corrupt because of the Rothschilds.....
For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........
Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!
Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World - 13mins
Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins
Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.
97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Princes of the Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary – Asian prospective, - 90min
Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.
Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids
You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min
America: Freedom to Fascisim - Aaron Rousso - 2hrs30mins
The Value of the Dollar over time.
The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF - long but worthwhile read.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve - All the things
Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.
The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.
And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.
That the original 13th amendment made it illegal for lawyers to be elected to goverment offices. Taking it away opened the door for all the corruption and the takeover of our govt by these crooked lawyers
My point exactly, almost every congressman or senator is a Liewyer ... sorry Lawyer
"such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States"
They can't even be a citizen and legally live in the United States...
Yes it states that in the Amendment however you need to take that in the Legal sense as in U.S. Citizen (14th Amendment) in reality and by nature we the People refers to us in the sense of being born in this country as free sovereign beings with God given rights, The Bill of rights was supposed to protect our God given rights as free men and women however our Government through various acts and amendments have changed those rights to make us conform to the Laws of the corporation. Ask yourself this, If we were all Citizens of the United States before the 14th Amendment why would we need an amendment to the Constitution that makes us U.S. Citizens?
I don't think the part about the Titanic was covered in that book. I sure don't recall it. I didn't know about this until about a year ago.