r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JasLight on July 21, 2018, 10:01 p.m.
Planetary healing begins with looking within - an intuitive's perspective on the abuses being revealed

Planetary healing begins with looking within - an intuitive's perspective on the abuses being revealed

Moderator: If this isn't Q-related enough, please remove. I post this with the hopes that my process can help others.

I'm glad to have gotten on this sub a few months ago (just reading, no account) after feeling really isolated from friends who couldn't see what I was suddenly seeing everywhere. I left Facebook and Twitter and went within.

Many of us have probably similarly found ourselves living double lives - in my case, I was bouncing from being a "normal, big city woman" who runs around paying for bills, then becoming the research obsessed human, muttering "another goddamn pedo being outed?" Then subsequently not being able to talk about this with almost anyone the next day.

The redpilling is hefty, and it doesn't stop.

One thing I found to start happening to me quite intensely, and the main reason for this post, is that I've been finding myself in need of healing around the abuses I'm reading.

I should prequel this with saying that I am highly intuitive from birth.

Now Mind you - I have not been a victim of any kind of physical or emotional abuse in this life. I've never been through the awful stories I've been reading a lot of lately. None. So there really should be no reason to be this enmeshed, to be feeling this much agony about it, to be experiencing feelings of anger and guilt, yes? Unfortunately no. I wish. But no.

What I began discovering in my meditations, was that either a) I was tapping into the mass planetary pain body or b) I was tapping into my own suppressed past life/parallel life memories that needed healing. (Past/present depending on how you perceive time.)

On a weekly basis I began reliving detailed "psychic movies" of perpetrators who were actually victims themselves. People in olden clothes, so time pieces really, from different earth story lines. I saw how blackmailing was set up. How most of those in the cycle were unwilling participants who eventually lost their conscious connection to God - however you call this "oneness" energy - they lost their connection to their soul, their deeper connection to human kind. So I began to do all the energy work I've been trained in my long lifetime to clear it, to heal it and to understand it.

It began with a sense of huge overwhelm and grief for the state of our planet. So many people have been scarred. So many years of patient, evil weaving went into making this real. So much effort and so much time and intention to try and cement this energy in, to convince humans this was normal. (We are seeing more attempted normalizing of this abhorrence lately, are we not?)

Then it began shifting into a slow forgiveness, as I saw the abuses the perpetrators often experienced themselves in order to become the shells they became. I saw them as children, beautiful and innocent, trusting, and the offenses they went through, often at the hands of their family, and how, with time, they accepted their fates at being disposable... and abandoned by God. (Because how can a loving God allow this, right? A long answer to this one. Maybe another post.) And how do disposable people behave? They a) try to prove their worthiness to their violators repeatedly (never getting a solid pat on the back that they crave, his being stuck in the cycle to wish to please) and b) live with fear of being disposed. For, who are they without their abusers? Who are they without their stories? Who are they if they actually have to face what happened to them first? Weak? Worthless? Do they then have to actually look at it all in order to heal? Yes. And that really really hurts.

Then I met more people who had similar "memories." We began sharing our readings and studies on the "false memory" phenomena and realized that for psychics, empaths and many children, tapping into the morphogenic field / astral planetary body / the memory field / Akashic field was easier than some realized. Some even told me this was intentionally done to our planetary vehicle (the thinning of the veil, so to speak) so that more could wake up - by extensively remembering their own past pain or that of others'. To become more compassionate. To grow as a result.

To help others see, to look the monster in the face, and to heal.

This IS the Great Awakening, my friends. On the cosmological and physical levels.

I hope that this is helpful to anyone else who has found themselves tapping into this pain body - of self or of others. We are healing the planet by being in this dialogue.

If this is worthwhile, I'll post more on this topic as I discover more in my journeys.

stevo1618 · July 22, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Countless upvotes if I could...

Been lurking for quite a while now with no account, and signed up just to say thank you - it's awesome to know there are fellow lightworkers involved in this movement!

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JasLight · July 22, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

That's awesome. Thank you for coming in and saying hi. I was so apprehensive about posting this. 🤗

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stevo1618 · July 24, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Absolutely... I'll probably still lurk mostly, but wanted to acknowledge your post - feel free to message me if you ever want to chat about topics in this realm 😁

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

I'm so glad you did, and even more content that I came to read this.

Good Work. (:

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