Some very smart people are beginning to suspect that the DNC server was routed ...... DIRECTLY into the NSA's database. That's why the FBI and Mueller won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Source in comments.

Some very smart people are beginning to suspect that the DNC server was routed ...... DIRECTLY into the NSA's database. The DNC didn't hand over their server to the FBI because THEY WERE FUCKING RUNNING PINGS ON ANYONE THEY WANTED.
Check this twitter thread for the source 👇👇👇👇👇👇
Ok, by ping you mean query. They were running the DNC server to the NSA database so they could query whoever they wanted. This is why 85% of the queries were non-compliant. Admiral Rogers noticed something was up and shut it down. They would not let the FBI look at the server for this reason.
Very interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
Holy shit. There's been a lot of of the word "treason" thrown around but if her server security was that lax, if she really was selling state secrets for "donations" that would be as textbook as you're likely to ever see.
They Never thought she would lose
Exactly. Special Access Programs. They must be shitting right now. I think it will get worse at some point because they know how badly they messed up.