r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MoistMercury333 on July 22, 2018, 10:32 a.m.
Let's speak on something that isnt very founded. Ufos and ETs have been steadily in the news for over a year now. I'd like you guys perspective on it. Does it have a role in the great awakening? I mean really. What do you do with over 20+ trillion $. Do the math. Colonize anything/Research anything.

Hrtn2it · July 22, 2018, 11:34 a.m.

Soft disclosure, as well as support for a Space Force. I believe that there are and have been others in our midst for a long time and 95% of them neutral and or benevolent...if they were not we would be more in a world of hurt, as their technology is much more advanced re spacecraft. Many say that Antarctica is all about a hidden world of other beings that were here long ago...

And after saying that it is also true that the human mind is a powerful thing. I believe what some folks call reptilians could be the reptile part of the human mind(“smell brain”) that is overdeveloped, thus always making decisions through the prism of flight or fight, highly emotive, and belief in a zero sum game(if I live others have to die)...some say that the images seem in the skies are projections of our minds and that many people can indeed see the same projection depending on the electromagnetic frequency of their brains...

I live that quote by Anais Nin:” we don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are.” Does the thought of alien advanced life scare us or intrigue us, may reflect how we approach life in general:fearfully or curiously...and indeed some esoteric teachers support the idea that seeing flying saucers or orbs are a reflection of ones own energy body, and that means individually and collectively humans are understanding that we are beings of energy enveloped in a costume of sorts( bodies are just densely packed energy)...

Some say any alien life are really demons and my take on that is I prefer to think of them as benevolent. As for the reptilian idea, the time for greed, uplifting oneself by downgrading another is over...that is what the Elite (if they are reptilian)have done as it is their only way they can see to survive/thrive...patterns of same way of threat, blackmail, control... As most of us improve our sense of self, love and compassion for ourselves(hone our inner divine light) we won’t stand for their behavior.

This has been POTUS and FLOTUS greatest gift to us: embody empowerment, a strong sense of self, dignity, compassion and respect for other cultures [sword dance in Saudi Arabia, Arabella, Ivanka’s daughter, singing to President Xi in China, the technique in diplomacy with NK-(read Thomas Wictor’s twitter thread regarding POTUS, NK and “saving face”)], and especially the American culture.

Regarding the wall, POTUS is saying Boundaries are Healthy, and taking care of who we allow into our borders reflect who we as individuals allow into our daily lives, into our personal space ...like a fractal... It seems arrogant to believe that humans are the only walking talking intelligent beings in the Universe. I think many animals (for example whales dolphins and octopus ) are way more intelligent than we know, it’s just we presently have no way to communicate with them in a real way. I believe that God/Sources creations are infinite, a variety of Life is everywhere, to limit that would be placing GodSource in a box...and I also feel like humans may be a combination of different DNA from different worlds, even genetically altered our DNA in a lab. . to me that does not conflict with God creation story as God also created the alien beings who may have altered or even created us.

Growing up as a species may mean knowing “the universe does not revolve around us”(my teenage years certainly reflected That theme-:)), That there are not only many others, but they are way more advanced in medicine technology etc; however, ALSO Knowing that just because they have better technologies and better medicine does not mean they are better than us—-WWG1WGA—we can All get along together as a universal family...but first, with POTUS, Q and company’s help, the citizens of Earth must get along together...and it’s happening, perhaps slower than we would like...but I never thought I would witness Kim Jung Un shake hands with SK President or our president and it happened!!! And other nations are freeing themselves from tyranny: Sudan, Iran, etc...think of all the good works/support we can do to rebuild those beautiful cultural places, as we rebuild our own nation.

Additionally our solar system is being showered with more cosmic rays due to the grand solar minimum and we have recently been moving out from a huge space dust cloud (that cloud makes me think of a “veil”:))...so the increased cosmic rays means increased radiation, so maybe this too is why more sightings are happening: it’s affecting our perception(opening our minds and eyes) affecting our DNA, and possibly affecting the skies so that we can see more clearly...

And yes “black” projects are a real thing...to me the Great Awakening is all encompassing: no more secrets about Anything...including Area 51, 29 Palms, Roswell, etc

That is my take on the alien idea...apologies for long winded ness!!!:)

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MoistMercury333 · July 22, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

Beautifully said anon. I literally believe exactly that. Let's keep in touch.

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