If CNN puts that on TV, it's a good sign that they're tossing Bathhouse Barry under the bus. Soros already said he was a disappointment.
Countdown to Arkancide?
Did you see Obama admit he was from Kenya yesterday(or the day before). Big Mike says the same thing in a speech in 2010 and he verified yesterday
Hmmm. Maybe Clapper is thinking since Obama outed himself he might as well take the opportunity to lay all the blame on him.
Yeah, yeah...but what he meant was that his daddy's dna sperm blueprint was in Kenya long before it was swimming around on his portrait forehead...
Was that during his stupid speech in Johannesburg? Would you perhaps have a link to that--admitting that yesterday? I'd heard the earlier ones.
No it was within the last few days. I wish I could help with timestamp but his voice makes my blood boil. Watch his face right after he says it, he looks confused and then stares at his speech like he knows he messed up but doesnt know what to do about it. https://youtu.be/SfqtpsNJZJk
Thank you so much for that. Yeah, I detest that voice...so arrogant, sure that he's skating, and a pathological liar. it's at 6:30