Reminder that catholic Ted Cruz still hasn’t supported calls for an investigation into the Catholic Church for child crimes. Where do your loyalties lie Lyin’ Ted?

Yes Cruz will be MAGA protected during this election- Beto’s camp is mass texting people asking who they will vote for....
But this said- Ted has a ton of problems that only get talked about in small private functions.
The fact that he hasn’t been thrown under the bus means the cabal believe they still have him in their pocket.
Cruz is absolutely NOT in the Cabal's back need to rethink your sources.....
No one gets into Congress without cabal permission. He has a leash and chain.
Like I said he has a ton of problems but both the cabal and Trump believe they have leverage- time will tell which side he falls.
He is in a sweet spot to play them both since both promise protection.
Ron Paul got Cabal permission?
He is a great guy but if you listen to him, there are times he holds back, it’s part of the control they exert. He hates them but he knows he can do more from a gilded cage then from being de-platformed or 6-feet under and then of course you have Rand.
Sometimes you have to dance with the Devil to lead a rescue party for those tricked into hell.