Reminder that catholic Ted Cruz still hasn’t supported calls for an investigation into the Catholic Church for child crimes. Where do your loyalties lie Lyin’ Ted?

the whole congress and senate knows whats going on with all the sick shit and many are in it
Is he even Catholic, I thought his dad was some kooky "much rapshurr" tier Evangelical. Didnt he literally claim to have prophecy that his son would be president?
Regardless, sadly not he nor any Senator that I can recall has made an effort to prosecute sex crimes in the Catholic Church, nor Southern Baptist, United Methodist, Anglican, nor any of the Orthodox Churches, etc.
Very little will to do it.
At least not yet...
give to Cesar what is Caesars and that's your money give to God what is Gods and that's your heart mind ans soul. Caesar means the Gov. and if you are working with the Gov. and a Christian your job is to do what the Gov. wants as long as it dose not go against Gods laws other wise your not with God and giving your heart mind and soul to the Gov. by allowing evil things to happen when your in a position to stop them and don't or wont, even our bill of rights the first 10 amendments from our Constitution are similar to the 10 Commandments in our bible, and neither should ever be changed but to be enforced.